How to troubleshoot a template

I’m using Rancher v1.0.0 and have a working template deployed from a custom catalog. I’ve created a new version of the template with minor changes. It shows up in the UI and deploys but suddenly Rancher doesn’t think any services belong to the stack. I didn’t see anything interesting in the server container’s logs. If I use the API view, it shows that my custom environment variables exist but the dockerCompose and rancherCompose values are null. Where should I be looking for clues as to what is happening?


Can you post the template?

This version is a clone of a working version. I touched rancher-compose.yml line 58, changing it from “producer” to “tlo”. I also touched lines 4 and 5, giving it different versions and UUID values.

I’ve attached the API results, in case that helps.


    "id": "1e12",
    "type": "environment",
    "links": {
        "self": "…/v1/projects/1a5/environments/1e12",
        "account": "…/v1/projects/1a5/environments/1e12/account",
        "services": "…/v1/projects/1a5/environments/1e12/services",
        "composeConfig": "…/v1/projects/1a5/environments/1e12/composeconfig",
    "actions": {
        "upgrade": "…/v1/projects/1a5/environments/1e12/?action=upgrade",
        "update": "…/v1/projects/1a5/environments/1e12/?action=update",
        "remove": "…/v1/projects/1a5/environments/1e12/?action=remove",
        "addoutputs": "…/v1/projects/1a5/environments/1e12/?action=addoutputs",
        "activateservices": "…/v1/projects/1a5/environments/1e12/?action=activateservices",
        "deactivateservices": "…/v1/projects/1a5/environments/1e12/?action=deactivateservices",
        "exportconfig": "…/v1/projects/1a5/environments/1e12/?action=exportconfig",
    "name": "producer",
    "state": "active",
    "accountId": "1a5",
    "created": "2016-04-14T18:50:40Z",
    "createdTS": 1460659840000,
    "description": null,
    "dockerCompose": null,
    "environment": {
        "PRODUCER_REALM": "rancher",
        "PRODUCER_FAIL": "false",
        "SPRING_CLOUD_CONFIG_URI": "http://configuration.balancer:2020/",
        "SPRING_RABBITMQ_HOST": "rabbitmq",
        "SPRING_DATASOURCE_URL": "jdbc:mysql://mysql:3306/tlo",
    "externalId": "catalog://TL:producer:99",
    "healthState": "healthy",
    "kind": "environment",
    "outputs": null,
    "previousEnvironment": null,
    "previousExternalId": null,
    "rancherCompose": null,
    "removed": null,
    "startOnCreate": true,
    "transitioning": "no",
    "transitioningMessage": null,
    "transitioningProgress": null,
    "uuid": "14a3ec34-6342-46ca-9588-17ff78d56bdf",


I added your catalog to my local rancher deploy and ran that template. It deployed just fine. I’m not sure what to suggest next; will have to think about it a bit.

I may have a clue. I ran a version without the UUID and it seemed to work fine. Unfortunately, I made several other changes during my experimentation so I can’t say for sure that was it. I’ve moved beyond this issue so don’t dedicate too many brain cells to solving the problem. :smile: I appreciate the help.


Ok. Np! Reallocating brain cells now.