Install missing packages on SLES12 SP2

Is there a procedure to install missing packages as they are reported as missing packages:

udo zypper install asciidoc automake bc binutils-devel bison bison device-mapper-devel elfutils libelf-devel flex gcc gcc-c++ git glib2-tools glib2-devel hmaccalc libattr-devel libblkid-devel libselinux-devel libtool libuuid-devel lsscsi make mksh ncurses-devel net-tools numactl parted patchutils pciutils-devel perl pesign python-devel rpm-build sysstat systemd-devel tcl tcl-devel tk tk-devel wget xmlto zlib-devel libyaml-devel krb5-devel keyutils-devel net-snmp-devel
Loading repository data…
Reading installed packages…
Package ‘binutils-devel’ not found.
Package ‘device-mapper-devel’ not found.
Package ‘keyutils-devel’ not found.
Package ‘krb5-devel’ not found.
Package ‘net-snmp-devel’ not found.
Package ‘pciutils-devel’ not found.
Package ‘python-devel’ not found.
Package ‘systemd-devel’ not found.
Package ‘tcl-devel’ not found.
Package ‘tk-devel’ not found.


These are a lot of devel packages; if they are not in the main repository,
have you tried adding the SDK repository to the system? If present, then
zypper will get all dependencies like it would for any other package.

Good luck.

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I’m a newbie with suse linux, can you show me how add SDK repository ?


You have a couple options; either download the ISOs locally and configure
them as repositories, or point to online repositories. Both options are
covered in this thread:

Good luck.

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