Hi there,
I have installed Kubernetes Cluster on 3 nodes and I am trying to deploy Rancher 2.7.1, but container is crashing with error message:
kubectl logs rancher-5f7bbc4967-8dvm5 -n cattle-system
2023/04/03 06:06:38 [DEBUG] Catalog-cache running cleanup
2023/04/03 06:06:44 [DEBUG] CreateJail: called for [driver-jail]
2023/04/03 06:06:44 [DEBUG] CreateJail: jailPath is [/opt/jail/driver-jail]
2023/04/03 06:06:44 [DEBUG] CreateJail: Running script to create jail for [driver-jail]
2023/04/03 06:06:46 [FATAL] error running the jail command: exit status 2
Rancher install command:
helm install rancher rancher-stable/rancher --namespace cattle-system --set hostname=rancher.*****.pl --set bootstrapPassword="admin" --set ingress.tls.source=secret --set privateCA=true --set debug=true --debug