Hello guys
So I tried to deploy the latest version of Rancher inside my Kubernetes 1.20 Cluster where my Container Runtime is CRI-O, but it doesn’t work. I always get a error inside the rancher pods, that the liveness and readyness probe are failing on port 80.
I will do SSL Termination on my external HAProxy, so I added --set tls=external to my helm command:
helm install rancher rancher-stable/rancher
–namespace cattle-system
–set hostname=rancher.k8s.domain.example
–set tls=external
I looked into the pods logs and got this error:
error syncing ‘dashboard’: handler mcm-start: error running the jail command: exit status 2
what is this and how can I fix things to deploy rancher correctly onto my kubernetes 1.20 cluster.
Thanks and greez
Log Output:
error syncing ‘dashboard’: handler mcm-start: error running the jail command: exit status 2, requeuing