Installing rancher [CentOS8, RKE2] - Problem

Hi, I’m fairly new to Kubernetes. I am trying to learn and am trying to create set up to install Rancher.

I am using DigitalOcean CentOS8 VM. I tried many times, I did these steps. (After VM is provisioned)

  • CentOS8
  • RKE2 v1.27.11+rke2r1
  • Rancher stable

I do this simple steps and result is always the same. I checked that ports are OK, nginx is OK, ingress is OK. And afaik this is just simple set up out of the box. What am I missing here? Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Configure NetworkManager to ignore calico/flannel related network interfaces

tee /etc/NetworkManager/conf.d/cni.conf <<EOF
sudo systemctl restart NetworkManager 

Disable swap

swapoff -a
sed -i '/ swap / s/^\(.*\)$/#\1/g' /etc/fstab

Ensure your system is up to date

dnf update -y
dnf install curl tar nano -y
localectl set-locale LANG=en_US.UTF-8
timedatectl set-timezone Europe/Ljubljana
dnf install chrony -y
systemctl enable --now chronyd 

nfs-utils cryptsetup iscsi-initiator-utils

dnf install nfs-utils cryptsetup iscsi-initiator-utils -y
systemctl enable --now iscsid.service 
dnf update -y
dnf clean all


curl -sfL | INSTALL_RKE2_VERSION=v1.27.11+rke2r1 sh -
systemctl enable --now rke2-server.service


curl -#L | bash`

Rancher, Jetstack Repo

helm repo add rancher-stable
helm repo add jetstack 

Cert manager

helm upgrade -i cert-manager jetstack/cert-manager -n cert-manager --create-namespace --set installCRDs=true

Install rancher

kubectl create namespace cattle-system
helm install rancher rancher-stable/rancher \
--namespace cattle-system \
--set \
--set bootstrapPassword=admin \
--set replicas=3 

All pods starts, I can access my rancher dashboard, but my rancher pods are telling me:

2024/03/21 13:02:50 [ERROR] Failed to handle tunnel request from remote address response 400: cluster not found
2024/03/21 13:02:55 [ERROR] Failed to handle tunnel request from remote address response 400: cluster not found
2024/03/21 13:02:55 [ERROR] Failed to connect to peer wss:// [local ID=]: websocket: bad handshake
2024/03/21 13:03:00 [ERROR] Failed to handle tunnel request from remote address response 400: cluster not found
2024/03/21 13:03:00 [ERROR] Failed to connect to peer wss:// [local ID=]: websocket: bad handshake
2024/03/21 13:03:05 [ERROR] Failed to handle tunnel request from remote address response 400: cluster not found
2024/03/21 13:03:05 [ERROR] Failed to connect to peer wss:// [local ID=]: websocket: bad handshake
2024/03/21 13:03:10 [ERROR] Failed to handle tunnel request from remote address response 400: cluster not found
2024/03/21 13:03:10 [ERROR] Failed to connect to peer wss:// [local ID=]: websocket: bad handshake
2024/03/21 13:03:15 [ERROR] Failed to handle tunnel request from remote address response 400: cluster not found
2024/03/21 13:03:15 [ERROR] Failed to connect to peer wss:// [local ID=]: websocket: bad handshake
2024/03/21 13:03:20 [ERROR] Failed to connect to peer wss:// [local ID=]: websocket: bad handshake
2024/03/21 13:03:20 [ERROR] Failed to handle tunnel request from remote address response 400: cluster not found

Firewalld is not installed.

@Matic Hi and welcome to the Forum :smile:
There is this post about the same error, however I have RKE2 running on one node with one replica (bare-metal and openSUSE MicroOS), sure you want three?

I also set the following option to the rancher install as well as set the version (this also applies to cert-manager version).

--set global.cattle.psp.enabled=false

@Matic Oh, I also have a /etc/sysctl.d/kubernetes.conf containing;

net.ipv4.conf.all.forwarding = 1
net.ipv4.conf.default.forwarding = 1
net.ipv4.conf.docker0.forwarding = 1
net.ipv4.conf.enp1s0.forwarding = 1
net.ipv4.conf.lo.forwarding = 1