I have set up a Rancher k8s environment.
Rancher server lies behind a classic ELB with ssl termination and is accessible via e.g https://my.rancher.server
I have deployed a simple pod via the command line by running
kubectl create -f <podfilename.yml>
I am then able to get
and describe
the pod.
However, the following command fails:
$ kubectl exec nodehelloworld.example.com -- ls /app
W1219 12:13:12.053543 16174 http.go:363] Error reading backend response: unexpected EOF
error: error sending request: Post https://my.rancher.server/r/projects/1a1043/kubernetes:6443/api/v1/namespaces/default/pods/nodehelloworld.example.com/exec?command=ls&command=%2Fapp&container=k8s-demo&container=k8s-demo&stderr=true&stdout=true: unexpected EOF