Kubelet fails with "Failed to find state.json" after certs.zip inflation

Trying to setup a new Kubernetes cluster in Rancher and need some guidance on how to resolve a startup failure. All services startup except for the “kubelet” service. It goes into perpetual restart mode.

The logs only show a repetition of the following messages:

Archive:  certs.zip
  inflating: ca.pem
  inflating: cert.pem
  inflating: key.pem
time="2016-11-14T22:16:50Z" level=fatal msg="Failed to find state.json"
Archive:  certs.zip
  inflating: ca.pem
  inflating: cert.pem
  inflating: key.pem
time="2016-11-14T22:17:20Z" level=fatal msg="Failed to find state.json"

I am running the following component versions in a single node cluster:

  • Rancher 1.1.4
  • Docker 1.11.2
  • Amazon Linux AMI 2016.09

The Kubernetes stack consists of the following:

controller-manager  	        Image: rancher/k8s:v1.2.4-rancher10	    Service	1 Containers	 
etcd + 1 Sidekicks  	        Image: rancher/etcd:v2.3.7-9	            Service	3 Containers	 
kubectld  	                Image: rancher/kubectld:v0.2.1	            Service	1 Containers	 
kubelet  	                Image: rancher/k8s:v1.2.4-rancher10	    Service	1 Containers	 
kubernetes  	                Image: rancher/k8s:v1.2.4-rancher10	    Service	1 Containers	 
proxy  	                        Image: rancher/k8s:v1.2.4-rancher10	    Service	1 Containers	 
rancher-ingress-controller      Image: rancher/lb-controller:v0.2.2	    Service	1 Containers	 
rancher-kubernetes-agent  	Image: rancher/kubernetes-agent:v0.2.2	    Service	1 Containers	 
scheduler  	                Image: rancher/k8s:v1.2.4-rancher10         Service     1 Containers