Letsencrypt by nginxproxy/acme-companion

I have a Rancher 2.10.1 install using docker compose and nginxproxy/acme-companion for Letsencrypt support. The web UI is secured when accessed through the browser. However when I look at the agent logs using kubectl logs -n cattle-system -l app=cattle-cluster-agent I see:

time="2025-01-01T07:28:31Z" level=info msg="Rancher agent version v2.10.1 is starting"
time="2025-01-01T07:28:31Z" level=error msg="unable to read CA file from /etc/kubernetes/ssl/certs/serverca: open /etc/kubernetes/ssl/certs/serverca: no such file or directory"
time="2025-01-01T07:28:31Z" level=error msg="Strict CA verification is enabled but encountered error finding root CA"

Any way around it?

Answer is here (set the tls mode to system-store, Rancher global settings):
TLS Settings | Rancher