Logs being flooded with "unable to get fs usage from thin pool"

I am seeing the following error continuously logged by the rancher/agent container at a rate of hundreds per second to the point of which it is flooding logs and making it difficult to find data of interest:

handler.go:278] unable to get fs usage from thin pool for device 23: no cached value for usage of device 2

Here are the versions I am running:

There are a several related GH issues, but I am unable to understand how to fix this.

Can anyone point me in the right direction? Is this fixed in recent versions of rancher? Do I need to run rancher with special docker options (i.e. DOCKER_OPTS= "--storage-driver=AUFS")?

This is an issue with cadvisor.

In the next release of rancher, we have removed cadvisor from Rancher so Rancher will not hit this error.

Next release of rancher meaning v1.2.0?

Yes, it will be in v1.2.0, which will be our next stable release that we recommend for production.

It was switched after v1.2.0-pre3.

With version 1.2.0-pre4-rc6 (4 days old) which appears to use rancher/agent:v1.1.0-rc7 you get this instead, albeit much less frequently :-

time=“2016-11-01T18:14:54Z” level=error msg="Error getting local storage usage: no such file or directory"
time=“2016-11-01T18:16:08Z” level=error msg="Error getting local storage usage: no such file or directory"
time=“2016-11-01T18:17:20Z” level=error msg="Error getting local storage usage: no such file or directory"
time=“2016-11-01T18:18:34Z” level=error msg="Error getting local storage usage: no such file or directory"
time=“2016-11-01T18:19:48Z” level=error msg=“Error getting local storage usage: no such file or directory”