Migrate 'Legacy Apps / Catalog' to 'Apps & Marketplace'


We upgraded to rancher 2.6.3. I previously used Rancher Catalog and Rancher Apps via the Cluster Manager UI.

After the Upgrade I prefer to go with the recommended Apps & Marketplace feature. I’ve created the new Repository form Git (same as the old Rancher Catalog) and see all my apps in the new UI screen. But wenn I want upgrade my app I receive the message

This is a Legacy App and it cannot be modified here
Navigate to Legacy Apps

Is there a migration path from the Legacy Apps to the the same version on Apps & Marketplace?



Is there a migration path from the Legacy Apps to the the same version on Apps & Marketplace?

I was able to migrate a legacy app by editing the related app.catalog.cattle.io object:

  • Add catalog.cattle.io/ui-source-repo and catalog.cattle.io/ui-source-repo-type annotations to spec.chart.metadata.annotations.
  • Add global.cattle.clusterId, global.cattle.clusterName, global.cattle.rkePathPrefix, common.global.cattle.rkeWindowsPathPrefix, global.cattle.systemDefaultRegisry, global.cattle.url to spec.chart.values.common.
  • Add the same fields to spec.values.

A good way to find the necessary values would be to compare with an app that is deployed via the new UI.

I am now able to see the new app in the new UI. I can edit it but updating fails due to a label io.cattle.field/appId that was present on the StatefulSet created by the old app that is no longer present.

@michalmr Where you add this annotations ?

I’m on Rancher 2.7.1 & 2.7.4, respectively.

When deploying a “new” App, it does not have any of these new keys & values, that you mentioned, so I cannot compare the Legacy App to the “new” App & extract the right values.

Progress on this topic in the following thread.

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