I was just wondering if anyone has noticed a problem with their Mirror credentials not currently working, I am getting the error of Exception occured when accessing https://nu.novell.com/repo/repoindex.xml
The remote server returned an error: (401) Unauthorized.
When I try to access the repo index. Copying and pasting the URL prompts for my Mirror Credentials but they do not give me access, I was able to access this yesterday. I do know of one other person who is experiencing this so I know it’s not restricted to me.
By troubleshooting it, it looks as though there is a problem on the end of Novell as everything else is configured correctly.
If anybody could share some light on this I would be grateful. Using Suse Enterprise Server 11 SP 2.
Thanks Malcolm,
I did ring them only to be given an email address to contact and they haven’t replied yet so I am at a loss. Cannot retrieve any patches and there is currently 3 outstanding.
still until now, copying&pasting the URLs from my MirrorCredentials doesn’t even prompt me for Username/passwort as I was used to. There’s immediately Error 403 Access denied.
I have opened ServiceRequest Service Request: 10821847041
Meanwhile I’ve set up a testing SMT-Server - he can mirror the URLs from one of my mirror-credentials!
BUT SOMETHING MUST HAVE BEEN CHANGED after the disturbance around March21
Before MArch 21 the URLs have also been accessible with a webbrowser or “wget --http-user=12345678 --http-password=its_my_s3cret…”
But what if my Subscriptions are spreaded over more than one Customer-Id? Until now I didn’t found a way to use multiple mirror-credentials with a single SMT