PAM_SystemD Maximum Number of Sessions (8192) Reached


After we have updated SLES 15 SP1, Journal shows an Error:

Cron [45024]: PAM_SystemD (Crond: Session): Failed to Create Session: Maximum Number of Sessions (8192) Reached, Refusing Further Sessions.

SSHD [50481]: PAM_SystemD (SSHD: Session): Failed to Create Session: Maximum Number of Sessions (8192) Reached, Refusing Further Sessions.

With the PAM configuration, we have not changed anything.
At Limits.conf, SessionMax was and is commented.
Before the update there was no limit 8192.
Do someone have a idea what happened?


I found out that a bug in Systemd remains no longer fictional the D-Bus. You have to update systemd.
This update for systemd fixes the following issues:

Revert "core: rework how we connect to the bus" (bsc#1193521 bsc#1193481)
sleep-config: partitions can't be deleted, only files can
shared/sleep-config: exclude zram devices from hibernation candidates

systemd-234-24.99.1 causes systemd randomly to fail utterly [ref:_00D1igLOd._5001inKB0R:ref]
sd_bus_call_method() - Message recipient disconnected from message bus without replying