Patching Basesystem conflict with kernel-source.noarch

I am facing below error while patching. Please help me to understand how should I proceed in this case.

MyServer:~ # zypper patch
Refreshing service 'Basesystem_Module_x86_64'.
Refreshing service 'Containers_Module_x86_64'.
Refreshing service 'Legacy_Module_x86_64'.
Refreshing service 'Public_Cloud_Module_x86_64'.
Refreshing service 'Python_2_Module_x86_64'.
Refreshing service 'SUSE_Linux_Enterprise_Server_x86_64'.
Refreshing service 'Server_Applications_Module_x86_64'.
Refreshing service 'Web_and_Scripting_Module_x86_64'.
Loading repository data...
Reading installed packages...
Patch 'SUSE-SLE-Module-Public-Cloud-15-SP3-2023-2161-1' is optional. Use 'zypper in patch:SUSE-SLE-Module-Public-Cloud-15-SP3-2023-2161' to install it, or '--with-optional' to include all optional patches.
Resolving package dependencies...
2 Problems:
Problem: the to be installed patch:SUSE-SLE-Module-Basesystem-15-SP3-2022-4616-1.noarch conflicts with 'kernel-source.noarch < 5.3.18-150300.59.106.1' provided by the installed kernel-source-4.12.14-197.78.1.noarch
Problem: the to be installed patch:SUSE-SLE-Module-Basesystem-15-SP3-2022-4053-1.noarch conflicts with 'kernel-source.noarch < 5.3.18-150300.59.101.1' provided by the installed kernel-source-5.3.18-150300.59.93.1.noarch
Problem: the to be installed patch:SUSE-SLE-Module-Basesystem-15-SP3-2022-4616-1.noarch conflicts with 'kernel-source.noarch < 5.3.18-150300.59.106.1' provided by the installed kernel-source-4.12.14-197.78.1.noarch
 Solution 1: Following actions will be done:
  do not install patch:SUSE-SLE-Module-Basesystem-15-SP3-2022-4616-1.noarch
  do not install patch:SUSE-SLE-Module-Basesystem-15-SP3-2022-3775-1.noarch
 Solution 2: deinstallation of kernel-source-4.12.14-197.78.1.noarch
Choose from above solutions by number or skip, retry or cancel [1/2/s/r/c/d/?] (c): c

And further information may required to Troubleshoot is as mentioned below:

MyServer:~ # ls -ld /usr/src/linux
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 26 Feb 18 09:42 /usr/src/linux -> linux-5.3.18-150300.59.106

MyServer:~ # uname -r

MyServer:~ # rpm -qa| grep kernel

@Linux_01 Do you really need such an old kernel source and devel present? If not let it delete (Solution 2) and cleanup…

Its production DB server, I am not really aware of consequences at time if I delete. At the 1st place why did zypper update it new one. I am clueless.

@Linux_01 you can use the dry run option (-D) so nothing is done… but I doubt it’s needed since your running kernel 5.3.18-150300.59.106-default.

When we updated our server with zypper update command, why it did not update kernel-source package to 5.3.18-150300.59.106.1 whereas it has update all other kernel package to that version.

I am ver nervous with this situation as I can ot delete old kernel version kernel 5.3.18-150300.59.93.1 as its 2nd latest kernel to the current.
I am not sure what should I do how to fix this error.

@Linux_01 the source (less used now because of the devel packages) and respective devel packages are only needed for compiling kernel modules etc. There is nothing going on in this department, so it’s not installed. You can use zypper if kernel-source to see the information.