Pods won't delete

currently, i have some deployments (with 1 pod), that wont deleted and i have this message :

deployment does not have minimum availability.; waiting on foregroundDeletion

do you have any trick to clean up rancher 2


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i’m having the same problem here

Same also posted another thread on this. No solutions yet

same problem here; anyone know if there’s already an open issue on this?

Just saw this. If you are still having issues, then you can do the following.

  1. Check to see if the pods are still running on the host
    `docker ps | grep pod-name-5485fd4b77-67jfb
  2. If the pod is not actually running on the host then it is safe to do a
    `kubectl delete pod pod-name-5485fd4b77-67jfb --force --grace-period=0

Pretty sure this a Kubernetes thing and not a Rancher thing BTW.

[root@rc02 ~]# kubectl get rs -n uc-hd

vplay-sock-5446b85b85 0 0 0 18h
vplay-sock-5b7d4c6f87 0 0 0 24d
vplay-sock-5b958c5cf7 0 0 0 2d
vplay-sock-5dcdb94b9b 0 0 0 17h
vplay-sock-64bc86bd68 0 0 0 18h
vplay-sock-64dbd48dc5 0 0 0 22d
vplay-sock-65bf7f85fb 0 0 0 9d
vplay-sock-66598896b9 0 0 0 17h
vplay-sock-66f6dd9bcb 0 0 0 18h
vplay-sock-694f79c576 0 0 0 18h
vplay-sock-69b4f8b5f 0 0 0 9d
vplay-sock-69c9bb9947 0 0 0 11d
vplay-sock-6f4d6df54 0 0 0 14d
vplay-sock-6f6d5f94 0 0 0 17h
vplay-sock-796dbc59cf 0 0 0 9d
vplay-sock-7d6df65f6b 30 30 15 15h
vplay-sock-856b56bb46 0 0 0 29d
vplay-sock-d8cd77597 0 0 0 29d
[root@rc02 ~]# kubectl get rs -n uc-hd|wc -l
[root@rc02 ~]# kubectl delete rs -n uc-hd vplay-sock-5b7d4c6f87
[root@rc02 ~]# kubectl get rs -n uc-hd|wc -l