postfix configuration with gmail relay

Hello all!,

I try use the yast mail on SLED 12 SP1, but the options for configuration is not complete.

I want configure manually postfix (by example, but i receive some problems, this occur only with SLES because, i use RedHat Enterprise Linux 6.7 for my weblog and postfix operate OK.

These are my actual errors:

maudevsled12:/var/log # tail -F mail 2016-03-16T14:17:17.755086-06:00 maudevsled12 postfix/smtp[11253]: connect to[2607:f8b0:4003:c06::6d]:587: Network is unreachable 2016-03-16T14:17:17.968024-06:00 maudevsled12 postfix/smtp[11253]: D8A894BD68: to=<>,[]:587, delay=1476, delays=1475/1/0.24/0, dsn=4.7.5, status=deferred (TLS is required, but our TLS engine is unavailable) 2016-03-16T14:17:18.090549-06:00 maudevsled12 postfix/smtp[11253]: 800D14BDFE: TLS is required, but our TLS engine is unavailable 2016-03-16T14:17:18.090836-06:00 maudevsled12 postfix/smtp[11253]: connect to[2607:f8b0:4003:c06::6d]:587: Network is unreachable 2016-03-16T14:17:18.312470-06:00 maudevsled12 postfix/smtp[11253]: 800D14BDFE: to=<>,[]:587, delay=517, delays=515/1.3/0.29/0, dsn=4.7.5, status=deferred (TLS is required, but our TLS engine is unavailable) 2016-03-16T14:17:18.642646-06:00 maudevsled12 postfix/smtp[11254]: warning: connect to private/tlsmgr: Connection refused 2016-03-16T14:17:18.642970-06:00 maudevsled12 postfix/smtp[11254]: warning: problem talking to server private/tlsmgr: Connection refused 2016-03-16T14:17:18.643183-06:00 maudevsled12 postfix/smtp[11254]: warning: no entropy for TLS key generation: disabling TLS support 2016-03-16T14:19:02.416954-06:00 maudevsled12 postfix/scache[11258]: statistics: start interval Mar 16 14:17:17 2016-03-16T14:19:02.417160-06:00 maudevsled12 postfix/scache[11258]: statistics: domain lookup hits=0 miss=1 success=0%

I see, that the normal files not exist in SLED in comparison of RHN. by example: /etc/postfix/tls_policy

I want configure with this installation, because if try uninstall the default postfix zypper or yast want uninstall a lot of applications.

[CODE]maudevsled12:/var/log # zypper remove postfix postfix-devel
Obteniendo los datos del repositorio…
Leyendo los paquetes instalados…
Resolviendo dependencias…

Los siguientes 30 paquetes van a ser ELIMINADOS:
amavisd-new apache2-mod_php5 google-chrome-stable lsb lsb5-core lsb5-desktop php5 php5-ctype php5-curl php5-dom php5-gd php5-gettext php5-iconv php5-json php5-mbstring php5-mysql
php5-odbc php5-pdo php5-pgsql php5-readline php5-soap php5-sockets php5-sqlite php5-tokenizer php5-xmlreader php5-xmlwriter php5-zlib postfix postfix-devel postfix-mysql

30 paquetes a quitar.
Luego de la operación, se liberarán 205,2 MiB.
¿Desea continuar? [s/n/? mostrar todas las opciones] (s): n [/CODE]

please, help me to configure postfix without yast mail and with the default files of the SLED installation.
I want configure because i’m use a testing software but i can’t use the mail for sent the passwords or bugs issues (testlink and mantis bug traker).

thanks in advance.


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Hi morfeokmg,

[QUOTE=morfeokmg;31904]Hello all!,

I try use the yast mail on SLED 12 SP1, but the options for configuration is not complete.

I want configure manually postfix (by example, but i receive some problems, this occur only with SLES because, i use RedHat Enterprise Linux 6.7 for my weblog and postfix operate OK.

These are my actual errors:

maudevsled12:/var/log # tail -F mail 2016-03-16T14:17:17.755086-06:00 maudevsled12 postfix/smtp[11253]: connect to[2607:f8b0:4003:c06::6d]:587: Network is unreachable 2016-03-16T14:17:17.968024-06:00 maudevsled12 postfix/smtp[11253]: D8A894BD68: to=<>,[]:587, delay=1476, delays=1475/1/0.24/0, dsn=4.7.5, status=deferred (TLS is required, but our TLS engine is unavailable) 2016-03-16T14:17:18.090549-06:00 maudevsled12 postfix/smtp[11253]: 800D14BDFE: TLS is required, but our TLS engine is unavailable 2016-03-16T14:17:18.090836-06:00 maudevsled12 postfix/smtp[11253]: connect to[2607:f8b0:4003:c06::6d]:587: Network is unreachable 2016-03-16T14:17:18.312470-06:00 maudevsled12 postfix/smtp[11253]: 800D14BDFE: to=<>,[]:587, delay=517, delays=515/1.3/0.29/0, dsn=4.7.5, status=deferred (TLS is required, but our TLS engine is unavailable) 2016-03-16T14:17:18.642646-06:00 maudevsled12 postfix/smtp[11254]: warning: connect to private/tlsmgr: Connection refused 2016-03-16T14:17:18.642970-06:00 maudevsled12 postfix/smtp[11254]: warning: problem talking to server private/tlsmgr: Connection refused 2016-03-16T14:17:18.643183-06:00 maudevsled12 postfix/smtp[11254]: warning: no entropy for TLS key generation: disabling TLS support 2016-03-16T14:19:02.416954-06:00 maudevsled12 postfix/scache[11258]: statistics: start interval Mar 16 14:17:17 2016-03-16T14:19:02.417160-06:00 maudevsled12 postfix/scache[11258]: statistics: domain lookup hits=0 miss=1 success=0%

the messages seem to indicate that you have opted for TLS encryption, while not having set up the according framework. Any postfix startup messages, i.e. complaining about not being able to access the certificates? The SF article only shows the steps required for your upstream connection, you’ll need to add the base configuration for TLS as well!
