Postfix configure question

Hi All
I want to install a postfix server by using SLES15SP4
and I find a useful document , although it for opensuse.

but this has some commands , I am confused.
like Aliases section …it has 2 command scrip

db_type=$(postconf default_database_type)
db_type=${db_type##* }

Whether I type these 2 command in linux command prompt or need vi /etc/postfix/ to copy & post them ?




Whether I type these 2 command in linux command prompt or need vi /etc/postfix/
Per :
It also requires in /etc/postfix/ an entry for sender_canonical_maps with the following script:
this means you should edit the file with vi /etc/postfix/

Rgds, Eirikur

HI @eirikur_ingibergsson
Yesterday, I re-test this command and after run single command I run echo $db_type to check what value.

db_type=$(postconf default_database_type)
When echo $db_type will output “default_database_type = lmdb”
db_type=${db_type##* }
This time echo $db_type will output “lmdb”
So these commands go get DB type to be use by next command
postconf “sender_canonical_maps = ${db_type}:/etc/postfix/sender_canonical”

it will change to sender_canonical_maps = lmdb:/etc/postfix/sender_canonica
