Hi everyone
First thank you very much for the superbe piece of software you are building.
I’m discovering all the very exciting features, and i really enjoy everything rancher provides. The only thing i cannot find is a private DNS provider for internal use in a company.
What i need would be a private DNS server like bind9, that makes the same thing you did with the external dns services (wich are great by the way)
There is not anything like this today and would be a useful addition; other people have asked about it.
The external-dns integration is pretty straightforward. The harder part will be if you want to make a template for deploying bind and particularly making it fault-tolerant/scalable past one container
seems no so hard to add a another provider like this. We are also interested to make either stock dynamic DNS updates or something works with delegation or a API you mentioned.
@hwinkel if you like etcd https://github.com/skynetservices/skydns would probably work well. Our internal DNS is based on the same underlying library (mikeg/dns) for all the low-level protocol. And a proper etcd installation would provide the fault-tolerant store and API for external-dns to manipulate.
@ragaar Not really the same thing… external-dns creates actual DNS records which work for services that aren’t http-based.