Problem: nothing provides libclang6 needed by clang6-6.0.1-43.25.sles12.x86_64 when installing PG

I want to install PostgreSQL 11 (through Ansible), but I get an error when doing this:
Problem: nothing provides libclang6 needed by clang6-6.0.1-43.25.sles12.x86_64
Solution 1: do not install postgresql11-devel-11.9-1PGDG.sles12.x86_64
Solution 2: break clang6-6.0.1-43.25.sles12.x86_64 by ignoring some of its dependencies

My OS:
$ cat /etc/os-release
PRETTY_NAME=“SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 12 SP5”

My ansible-playbook:

  • name: install the repository ZYPPER for PostgreSQL
    repo: ‘
  • name: install PostgreSQL 11 on SUSE
    name: [ ‘postgresql11-server’, ‘postgresql11-contrib’, ‘postgresql11-devel’,
    ‘postgresql11-pltcl’, ‘postgresql11-libs’, ‘python2-psycopg2’ ]
    state: present
    disable_gpg_check: yes
    update_cache: yes

My repos:
$ zypper repos
Repository priorities are without effect. All enabled repositories share the same priority.

? | Alias | Name | Enabled | GPG Check | Refresh
1 | SLES12-SP5-12.5-0 | SLES12-SP5-12.5-0 | Yes | (r ) Yes | No
2 | SUSE_Linux_Enterprise_Server_12_SP5_x86_64:SLES12-SP5-Debuginfo-Pool | SLES12-SP5-Debuginfo-Pool | Yes | (r ) Yes | No
3 | SUSE_Linux_Enterprise_Server_12_SP5_x86_64:SLES12-SP5-Debuginfo-Updates | SLES12-SP5-Debuginfo-Updates | Yes | (r ) Yes | Yes
4 | SUSE_Linux_Enterprise_Server_12_SP5_x86_64:SLES12-SP5-Pool | SLES12-SP5-Pool | Yes | (r ) Yes | No
5 | SUSE_Linux_Enterprise_Server_12_SP5_x86_64:SLES12-SP5-Source-Pool | SLES12-SP5-Source-Pool | Yes | (r ) Yes | No
6 | SUSE_Linux_Enterprise_Server_12_SP5_x86_64:SLES12-SP5-Updates | SLES12-SP5-Updates | Yes | (r ) Yes | Yes
7 | SUSE_Linux_Enterprise_Software_Development_Kit_12_SP5_x86_64:SLE-SDK12-SP5-Debuginfo-Pool | SLE-SDK12-SP5-Debuginfo-Pool | No | ---- | ----
8 | SUSE_Linux_Enterprise_Software_Development_Kit_12_SP5_x86_64:SLE-SDK12-SP5-Debuginfo-Updates | SLE-SDK12-SP5-Debuginfo-Updates | No | ---- | ----
9 | SUSE_Linux_Enterprise_Software_Development_Kit_12_SP5_x86_64:SLE-SDK12-SP5-Pool | SLE-SDK12-SP5-Pool | Yes | (r ) Yes | No
10 | SUSE_Linux_Enterprise_Software_Development_Kit_12_SP5_x86_64:SLE-SDK12-SP5-Source-Pool | SLE-SDK12-SP5-Source-Pool | No | ---- | ----
11 | SUSE_Linux_Enterprise_Software_Development_Kit_12_SP5_x86_64:SLE-SDK12-SP5-Updates | SLE-SDK12-SP5-Updates | Yes | (r ) Yes | Yes
12 | SUSE_Package_Hub_12_SP5_x86_64:SUSE-PackageHub-12-SP5-Debuginfo | SUSE-PackageHub-12-SP5-Debuginfo | No | ---- | ----
13 | SUSE_Package_Hub_12_SP5_x86_64:SUSE-PackageHub-12-SP5-Pool | SUSE-PackageHub-12-SP5-Pool | Yes | (r ) Yes | No
14 | SUSE_Package_Hub_12_SP5_x86_64:SUSE-PackageHub-12-SP5-Standard-Pool | SUSE-PackageHub-12-SP5-Standard-Pool | Yes | (r ) Yes | No
15 | Web_and_Scripting_Module_12_x86_64:SLE-Module-Web-Scripting12-Debuginfo-Pool | SLE-Module-Web-Scripting12-Debuginfo-Pool | Yes | (r ) Yes | No
16 | Web_and_Scripting_Module_12_x86_64:SLE-Module-Web-Scripting12-Debuginfo-Updates | SLE-Module-Web-Scripting12-Debuginfo-Updates | Yes | (r ) Yes | Yes
17 | Web_and_Scripting_Module_12_x86_64:SLE-Module-Web-Scripting12-Pool | SLE-Module-Web-Scripting12-Pool | Yes | (r ) Yes | No
18 | Web_and_Scripting_Module_12_x86_64:SLE-Module-Web-Scripting12-Source-Pool | SLE-Module-Web-Scripting12-Source-Pool | Yes | (r ) Yes | No
19 | Web_and_Scripting_Module_12_x86_64:SLE-Module-Web-Scripting12-Updates | SLE-Module-Web-Scripting12-Updates | Yes | (r ) Yes | Yes
20 | pgdg-11 | PostgreSQL 11 SLES 12.5 - x86_64 | Yes | (r ) Yes | Yes
21 | pgdg-11-srpm | PostgreSQL 11 SLES 12.5 - x86_64 | No | ---- | ----
22 | pgdg-11-srpm-updates-testing | PostgreSQL 11 SLES 12.5 - x86_64 - SRPM Updates testing | No | ---- | ----
23 | pgdg-11-updates-testing | PostgreSQL 11 SLES 12.5 - x86_64 - Updates testing | No | ---- | ----

$ SUSEConnect --status-text
Installed Products:

SUSE Linux Enterprise Software Development Kit 12 SP5


SUSE Package Hub 12


SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 12 SP5



Regcode: hide
Starts at: 2020-08-20 00:00:00 UTC
Expires at: 2020-10-20 00:00:00 UTC
Status: ACTIVE
Type: evaluation

$ zypper search libclang6
Refreshing service ‘SUSE_Linux_Enterprise_Server_12_SP5_x86_64’.
Refreshing service ‘SUSE_Linux_Enterprise_Software_Development_Kit_12_SP5_x86_64’.
Refreshing service ‘Web_and_Scripting_Module_12_x86_64’.
Loading repository data…
Reading installed packages…
No matching items found.

$ zypper search libclang
Refreshing service ‘SUSE_Linux_Enterprise_Server_12_SP5_x86_64’.
Refreshing service ‘SUSE_Linux_Enterprise_Software_Development_Kit_12_SP5_x86_64’.
Refreshing service ‘Web_and_Scripting_Module_12_x86_64’.
Loading repository data…
Reading installed packages…

S | Name | Summary | Type
| libclang | Library files needed for clang | package
| libclang7 | Library files needed for clang | package

Please tell me how to solve the problem with the missing package libclang6?

Hi and welcome to the Forum :slight_smile:
Why are you using a SLE 11 repository? There is no libclang6 available for some time?

Thanks for the kind welcome
No, I am not using SLE 11 repo.
Above, I brought the repositories in the system. There are no repositories from suse 11 repo, only 12.

Ahh ok, well you might have to talk with the postgre folks as it needs to be built against clang7 for SLE 12+…

i have problem for automate install a package in SLES 15 sp1
i cant auto select number of solution
what i do???
can i help me

@ali Hi, seems you have posted in an existing thread, can you please start a new thread on your issue.