Problems with autofs

The /net/home files are not mounting. The /net/home directory is empty.
I have the domain set but I do receive this message: " lookup_init:136: lookup(yp): map auto.master: Local domain name not set".
I do not know why this message is issued: “key “updates” not found in map source(s).”.

[CODE]linux158:~ # systemctl status autofs
autofs.service - Automounts filesystems on demand
Loaded: loaded (/usr/lib/systemd/system/autofs.service; enabled)
Active: active (running) since Mon 2017-05-01 11:58:24 EDT; 1h 24min ago
Docs: man:automount(8)
Process: 1881 ExecStart=/usr/sbin/automount $AUTOFS_OPTIONS -p /var/run/ (code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS)
Main PID: 1894 (automount)
CGroup: /system.slice/autofs.service
└─1894 /usr/sbin/automount -p /var/run/

May 01 12:00:44 linux158 automount[1894]: key “updates” not found in map source(s).[/CODE]

linux158:~ # cat /var/log/messages | grep automount 2017-04-24T14:05:57.917171-04:00 linux158 automount[1460]: lookup_init:136: lookup(yp): map auto.master: Local domain name not set 2017-04-24T14:14:07.963118-04:00 linux158 automount[1774]: lookup_init:136: lookup(yp): map auto.master: Local domain name not set 2017-04-24T14:19:55.897599-04:00 linux158 automount[1774]: key "updates" not found in map source(s). 2017-04-24T14:26:16.058606-04:00 linux158 automount[1883]: lookup_init:136: lookup(yp): map auto.master: Local domain name not set 2017-04-24T14:59:23.974642-04:00 linux158 automount[1886]: lookup_init:136: lookup(yp): map auto.master: Local domain name not set 2017-04-24T15:03:07.626498-04:00 linux158 automount[1886]: key "updates" not found in map source(s). 2017-04-24T15:09:03.749836-04:00 linux158 automount[2163]: lookup_init:136: lookup(yp): map auto.master: Local domain name not set 2017-04-24T15:09:53.291202-04:00 linux158 automount[1888]: lookup_init:136: lookup(yp): map auto.master: Local domain name not set 2017-04-29T20:05:53.803638-04:00 linux158 automount[1892]: lookup_init:136: lookup(yp): map auto.master: Local domain name not set 2017-05-01T10:17:50.728437-04:00 linux158 automount[9980]: lookup_init:136: lookup(yp): map auto.master: Local domain name not set 2017-05-01T11:52:07.756033-04:00 linux158 automount[1898]: key "depot" not found in map source(s). 2017-05-01T11:52:30.003292-04:00 linux158 automount[1898]: key "updates" not found in map source(s). 2017-05-01T12:00:44.145384-04:00 linux158 automount[1894]: key "updates" not found in map source(s).

linux158:/etc # cat hostname linux158 linux158:/etc # cat defaultdomain linux158 linux158:/etc # hostname linux158

[CODE]linux158:~ # cat /etc/auto.master

Sample auto.master file

#/misc /etc/auto.misc

/net -hosts

Include /etc/auto.master.d/*.autofs

The included files must conform to the format of this file.


Include central master map if it can be found using

nsswitch sources.

/usr/IBMi /etc/auto.IBMi
/net/home /etc/

linux158:~ # cat /etc/auto.IBMi
tools -rw,hard,intr,rsize=8192,wsize=8192,nfsvers=3
depo -rw,hard,intr,rsize=8192,wsize=8192,nfsvers=3
linux158:~ # cat /etc/
#automount users’ /net/home dir from paix588 - 20/Nov/2013


[CODE]linux158:~ # cat /etc/fstab
/dev/system/swap swap swap defaults 0 0
/dev/system/root / xfs defaults 1 1
/dev/disk/by-path/ccw-0.0.15c1-part1 /boot/zipl ext2 acl,user_xattr 1 2 /arsapar nfs vers=3,auto 0 0 /net/home nfs vers=3,auto 0 0
/dev/pool1/lvopt /opt ext3 defaults 0 0
/dev/pool1/lvtmp /tmp ext3 defaults 0 0 /arstest2 nfs vers=3,auto 0 0

Mount /arstest2 from the UTR instead /arstest2 nfs vers=3,auto 0 0

access denied by server while mounting /arstest nfs vers=3,auto 0 0[/CODE]


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This message:
May 01 12:00:44 linux158 automount[1894]: key “updates” not found in map source(s).

means that someone tried to access a subdirectory called “updates” under one of your defined autofs locations, but there is no definition for what to do with the key named “updates”. Your autofs locations are /usr/IBMi (mapped in auto.IBMi) and /net/home (mapped in has a wildcard key, so anything would match that key. So this error cannot be a result of the /net/home configuration or usage. It must be a result of the /usr/IBMi configuration or usage.

So, put in simplest terms, someone attempted to access /usr/IBMi/updates, but there is no “updates” defined in auto.IBMi (there is only “tools” and “depo”). Therefore, the result (rightfully) is a message that the key, “updates”, is not found. This is very common and normal. Any user on your system can try to access anything they can imagine. They might mistype something (depot instead of depo, which has been defined in your config) or they might look for something else (anything) that has not been defined. Any time someone tries to access a subdir under /usr/IBMi that isn’t listed in auto.IBMi, a message will occur that the key is not found.

This cannot happen with your (since a wildcard will match anything and everything). Therefore, this error is not at all pertinent to any problems you are having under /net/home.

Your other message:
lookup_init:136: lookup(yp): map auto.master: Local domain name not set

is quite puzzling to me. This message indicates 2 things: (1) autofs is trying to make yp (nis) queries to find additional auto.master maps. (2) it cannot seem to find the local yp domain name.

You have pointed out that the yp domain name is present in /etc/defaultdomain. So #2 might be puzzling. But #1 is also puzzling, because your auto.master does not contain anything which would instruct autofs to query yp. The “+auto.master” line is remarked out, so in my view, queries to yp should not happen, unless there was more to your auto.master file than you included here.

So… why it is querying yp and why it thinks the domain name is not set are both mysterious. But even so, I don’t see why either of those would interfere with map usage, because that map is a local file and doesn’t require you to get it from the yp database. So it’s possible that this message has nothing to do with your problem, either.

If you don’t really need this machine to be a yp client, you might disable ypbind at least temporarily and see if this message goes away, and whether autofs works any better.

I will do a little more experimenting and post again if I have further suggestions.

Additional reply:

I added a “+auto.master” to my auto.master file in order to tell autofs to try to talk to yp. Originally, I did this without my machine having been configured to talk to yp (yp client (ypbind) never configured), and nothing in /etc/defaultdomain. And in this state, I did get your same error “map auto.master: Local domain name not set”. Then I made my machine a yp client (through yast) and the error stopped.

Later I disabled yp client and renamed the /etc/defaultdomain file, and rebooted, but even after all that, I have not gotten that error to come back. So… I’m a little confused.

But even when I was getting that error, I did not find it to be interfering with my local autofs maps. So despite the confusion, I am not included to think that this error is pertinent to your /net/home problem.

But, incidentally, I will add that your defaultdomain file does not appear to be correct format. All it should contain is the name of your yp (nis) domain. instead, yours looks like a host file entry for this machine:

linux158:/etc # cat defaultdomain linux158

And in fact, it looks like an exact copy of your /etc/hostname file, which it should NOT be. For that matter, I’m not sure your /etc/hostname file is the correct format either. I don’t think it’s supposed to have both long name and short name in it. That is how you’d make an entry in /etc/hosts (well, you’d put in the ip addr first, also), but this style of naming is not necessarily right for /etc/hostname. Reading online, I’m seeing statements that /etc/hostname should only include the simple host name, without domain name, of the machine. But I’m getting off-topic here.

Given that your “defaultdomain” file looks more like a host and dns domain information instead of yp domain information, , I wonder whether you even are using the yp client (ypbind) at all. Do you find ypbind running with “ps aus | grep ypbind”? Do you have a /etc/yp.conf file?

But again, as far as I can tell, this domain name error is not pertinent to your described problem of /net/home being empty / from working.

You might try editing /etc/sysconfig/autofs, and setting:
and then restarting autofs. this will put it into debug mode and it will generate A LOT more messages to look through. Then you can attempt to access /net/home/something and maybe get a better idea of why it fails.

Greetings dpartrid, thank you for your reply.
I performed the following process:
Turned on debugging for autofs.
Edit /etc/host
added IP-Address Full-Qualified-Hostname Short-Hostname linux158
Turned off debugging for autofs.
All is well.

I had the same issue with /etc/auto.master.d

I just set the domainname and it solved the problem : domainname my.local.domain
domainname wasn’t set for the server and it caused this problem.
