Rancher 2.5 on EKS

Hi everyone,

I apologize in advance if this is effectively “ELI5” anywhere, but for now I am having a hard time making Rancher (2.5) work with EKS ingress.

I first attempted the new type of install, where I build an EKS cluster, then install Rancher on top. This mostly worked but… I elected to use Rancher’s own certificate. I could verify that the certificate was created. I even found a new ELB instance. Cool. Except that ELB instance only seems to be able to map to the NodePort selected for port 80, which forces a redirect to 443 (as expected) and the corresponding NodePort does not seem to exist. Help?

I also tested running a bootstrap Rancher instance, and using its interface creating an EKS cluster. This worked well and this time it is, obviously, easy to access Rancher’s Web UI.
However, when I rolled out a “hello world” payload and attempted creating an ingress using the neighboring UI… well, the Ingress has been initializing for hours.
Was I supposed to create a load balancer (ELB) first? What am I missing?
