Rancher network-services upgrading automatically

Hi everyone, I am running rancher without internet access. Now my network-services from the infrastructure stacks are self-upgrading and I don’t have the new images in my private registry. I have tried clicking on “Rollback” and “Cancel Upgrade” but it tries to upgrade again. I looked at the settings in the UI and update.manager is set to false. I haven’t upgrade rancher-server or done any changes to my my deployment that could have triggered this upgrade. Is there a way to prevent services from upgrading automatically? Thanks in advance for your help.

@mario462 are you mirroring the git repo to provide catalog template updates? I’m guessing thats a way that your rancher noticed new templates. Rancher server will try to update its network services to the latest available.

@aemneina When I said I was running Rancher without internet access, that was not entirely true. The server I am running Rancher on has internet access, but since I’m in Cuba, I cannot download Docker images directly. So, maybe since it has internet access Rancher can notice new templates. What I need is to prevent it from upgrading automatically. Does anyone now if that is possible. If not, it may be a major issue for me.

Hey everyone, as a way to solve my problem, I forked the rancher-catalog and he community-catalog, disabled them in Rancher settings and added my own forks. This way, Rancher won’t notice updates to the catalogs and won’t try to self update. Anyway, I don’t think this should be happening, according to Rancher’s documentation:

The great thing about Rancher is that if a newer version of a template has been uploaded to the catalog, we’ll inform you that a newer version is available to upgrade to. When you click on Upgrade Available, you can select which version you want to upgrade to. Always review the information about the version before upgrading, so that you are aware of all potential risks.

Hope this helps. If anyone have any additional insight into this, I would appreciate it. Thanks.

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