Hi, I am trying to connect to my existing OKE, I configured all the ID’s fine, but there are 2 problems I get.
- for new cluster, it get’s error 500, and doesn’t stop creating new VCN’s every 2 minutes.
- for existing cluster I received error 500.
From API:
- },
- “state”: “provisioning”,
- “transitioning”: “error”,
- “transitioningMessage”: “Service error:InternalServerError. An internal server error has occurred… http status code: 500. Opc request id: 1bd7854fb1dcb3f2214e1e66d69339f3/CD51CC83AEB9CD1F77A91CBC5F51B340/EE110B8BE51A47479B48E0D273321816”,
- “type”: “cluster”,
- “uuid”: “bea3d33e-de80-4d16-a301-09a9e729c651”,
- “windowsPreferedCluster”: false