Rancher Release - v1.5.0

Release v1.5.0


Supported Docker Versions

Docker 1.10.3
Docker 1.12.3-1.12.6
Docker 1.13.1 (Not with Kubernetes)
Docker 17.03.0-ce (Not with Kubernetes)

Rancher Server Tags

Rancher server has 2 different tags. For each major release tag, we will provide documentation for the specific version.

  • rancher/server:latest tag will be our latest development builds. These builds will have been validated through our CI automation framework. These releases are not meant for deployment in production.
  • rancher/server:stable tag will be our latest stable release builds. This tag is the version that we recommend for production.

Please do not the releases with a rc{n} suffix. These rc builds are meant for the Rancher team to test out builds.

Beta - v1.5.0 - rancher/server:latest

Stable - v1.4.1 - rancher/server:stable

Important - Upgrade

  • We are automatically upgrading the network-services infrastructure service as without this upgrade, your release will not work. If you have environments without hosts, there will be a delay in the automatic upgrade when you add hosts, make sure to upgrade the network-services stack before or immediately after adding hosts.
  • With our upgrade manager, you can update your settings to always have your infrastructure stacks upgraded to the latest default version after upgrading Rancher server. This can be updated under Admin -> Settings -> Advanced Settings and the setting is upgrade.manager. By default, this is turned off.


  • Templating support for catalog templates [#3239] - Rancher now supports the ability to use conditional logic by using the Go template system. Using conditional logic combined with variable interpolation will provide greater flexibility in generating more dynamic catalog templates. Note: Currently only supports evaluating string comparison.
  • API interceptor [#7749, #7134] - Rancher now supports the ability to intercept all API requests and provide capabilities of adding pre/post filter logic to each request. This will now give admins greater flexibility to control API access and includes possibilities such as adding more fine grain API policy management to modifying both the API request and response payload to/from Rancher. Please see #7749 for more details on how to add your own interceptors.
  • More network policies [#7743] - Rancher now supports two additional network policies that can be configured per environment. UI support has been added to updating network policies under environment settings.
    • allow/deny within a service - by default, the rule is allow but if configured to deny, all containers will not be able to talk to containers outside of a service.
    • enable link support - services or stacks that are configured to be deny can now be given permission to communicate by using either a docker link or selector labels.
  • More webhook drivers [#7735, #7713] - Two more webhook drivers have now been added into Rancher:
    • Host scaling - Users can create webhooks that will scale hosts up or down. This only works with hosts created from the Rancher API.
    • DockerHub service upgrade - webhook designed to be configured for Dockerhub image updates and used to update services in Rancher using that image.
  • Restrict container scheduling to specific hosts [#7795] - Rancher now supports the ability to tag hosts to only allow for placement of containers of a service onto the hosts with a specific label.
  • Metadata service phase 1 improvements [#8004] - Added caching to the metadata information to reduce DB thrashing and reduced the size footprint of the metadata passed onto each MD service. You should generally see overall Rancher improvements as many services depend on metadata. You will also see improvements when you launch large amounts of containers at a time or adding a new container after many containers are already running.
  • Swarm uses Portainer.io as the default UI - The default environment template for Swarm uses Portainer.io as the UI for Swarm.

Known Major Issues

  • If there is an environment with no hosts, after upgrading and adding the hosts, the network-services infrastructure stack, which is required to be upgraded, will not upgrade immediately. It will be delayed by an hour. [#8047]

Major Bug Fixes since v1.4.1

  • Fixed a memory leak issue with the metadata service [#7844]
  • Fixed an issue where the bulk action menu to view logs was not functioning properly [#7787]
  • Fixed an issue where a stack named “Y” can cause the Rancher metadata service to crash [#7776]
  • Updated Rancher’s swarmkit orchestration engine [#7774]
  • Increased the value size for secrets [#7708]
  • Added multiple category support for catalog templates [#7497]
  • Added sticky session support for Rancher’s k8s ingress controller [#7467]
  • Added support to allow admins to launch k8s with ability to customize location of system k8s images such as the kubelet, skydns, helm, etc. [#7362]
  • Fixed an issue where you can no longer set a service scale to < 0. [#7275]
  • Rancher now supports vxlan networking for k8s [#6817]
  • Added openldap auth support for “accessMode” + “allowedIdentities” [#5141]
  • Fixed an issue where EC private keys would cause the HAProxy LB to crash [#4984]
  • Breaking change to the experimental secrets API requires upgrading secrets volume driver. [#7708]

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