Rancher Release - v1.6.1

Release v1.6.1


Supported Docker Versions

  • Docker 1.10.3
  • Docker 1.12.3-1.12.6
  • Docker 1.13.1 (Not supported with Kubernetes as Kubernetes does not support it yet)
  • Docker 17.03.0-ce (Not supported with Kubernetes as Kubernetes does not support it yet)
  • Docker 17.03.0-ee (Not with Kubernetes as Kubernetes does not support it yet)

Rancher Server Tags

Rancher server has 2 different tags. For each major release tag, we will provide documentation for the specific version.

  • rancher/server:latest tag will be our latest development builds. These builds will have been validated through our CI automation framework. These releases are not meant for deployment in production.
  • rancher/server:stable tag will be our latest stable release builds. This tag is the version that we recommend for production.

Please do not the releases with a rc{n} suffix. These rc builds are meant for the Rancher team to test out builds.

Beta - v1.6.1 - rancher/server:latest

Stable - v1.5.10 - rancher/server:stable

In a week, we plan to tag v1.6.1 as rancher/server:stable.

Important - Upgrade

  • In this release, we will automatically upgrade the network-services infrastructure stack as without this upgrade, your release will not work.
    • Upgrading from versions prior to Rancher v1.5.0 will trigger an automatic upgrade.
    • Upgrading from versions Rancher v1.5.0+ will not trigger an automatic upgrade.
  • In this release, if you make any changes to the default Rancher library setting for your catalogs and then roll back, you will need to reset the branch used for the default Rancher library under Admin -> Settings -> Catalog.


  • Catalogs per Environment [#8702] - We now support the ability to have catalogs for each environment.

Known Major Issues

Major Bug Fixes since v1.6.0

  • Fixed an issue where user containers may not be spread equally across hosts as hosts are added into an environment [#8639]
  • Fixed an issue where upgrade.manager setting would still do an automatic upgrade even if set to false. [#8671]
  • Fixed an issue where scheduling using ports on a host may hit a scheduling conflict even though the port is available. [#8761]
  • Fixed an issue where error messages for scheduling conflicts were only displaying one of the reasons why scheduling would fail [#8636]
  • Fixed an issue where the DNS resolver was having issues in v1.6.0 [#8669]
  • Fixed an issue where container scoped volumes would be deleted when re-scheduled [#8755]

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