Rancher Release - v1.6.6

Release v1.6.6


Supported Docker Versions

  • Docker 1.12.3-1.12.6
  • Docker 1.13.1
  • Docker 17.03.0-ce/ee
  • Docker 17.06.0-ce/ee

Note: Kubernetes only supports up to Docker 1.12.6

Rancher Server Tags

Rancher server has 2 different tags. For each major release tag, we will provide documentation for the specific version.

  • rancher/server:latest tag will be our latest development builds. These builds will have been validated through our CI automation framework. These releases are not meant for deployment in production.
  • rancher/server:stable tag will be our latest stable release builds. This tag is the version that we recommend for production.

Please do not the releases with a rc{n} suffix. These rc builds are meant for the Rancher team to test out builds.

Beta - v1.6.6 - rancher/server:latest

Stable - v1.6.5 - rancher/server:stable

Important - Upgrade

  • Users on a version prior to Rancher v1.5.0: We will automatically upgrade the network-services infrastructure stack as without this upgrade, your release will not work.

  • Users on a version prior to Rancher v1.6.0: If you make any changes to the default Rancher library setting for your catalogs and then roll back, you will need to reset the branch used for the default Rancher library under AdminSettingsCatalog. The current default branch is v1.6-release, but the old default branch is master.

  • Rollback Versions: We support rolling back to Rancher v1.6.5 from Rancher v1.6.6.

    • Steps to Rollback:
      1. In the upgraded version the AdminAdvanced Settings → API values, update the upgrade.manager value to all.
      2. “Upgrade” Rancher server but pointing to the older version of Rancher (v1.6.5). This should include backing up your database and launching Rancher to point to your current database.
      3. Once Rancher starts up again, all infrastructure stacks will automatically rollback to the applicable version in v1.6.5.
      4. There will be a couple of services in certain infrastructure stacks that need to be deleted.
        a. Delete the rancher-cloud-controller-manager service in the Kubernetes stack.
        b. Delete the cni-driver service in the IPsec stack.
      5. After your setup is back to its original state, update the upgrade.manager value back to the original value that you had (either mandatory or none).


We are deprecating the Rancher EFS driver as you can use the Rancher NFS driver with EFS.


  • Kubernetes 1.7.2 is now supported
  • Added ability to request multiple IPs for a service [#5297] - Added the ability to use a comma separated list of IPs for io.rancher.container.requested_ip.
  • Rancher CLI Enhancements
    • Added support for init in compose files [#8608]
    • Added ability to use the stack name as a variable inside compose files. [#3393]

Infrastructure Service Updates

When upgrading infrastructure services, please make sure to upgrade in the recommended order.

  • Network Services - v0.2.4
    • New image: rancher/network-manager:v0.7.7
    • Fixed the conntrack, arpsync logic to take action on only running and starting containers. [#9508]
    • Fixed the logic of figuring out local networks in an environment to support different CNI plugins [#9330]
  • IPsec - 0.1.2
    • New image: rancher/net:v0.11.5
    • Removed the cni-driver service as a sidekick of the ipsec service and it is it’s own standalone service
    • Fixed an issue where tunnels were getting estabilished for stopped ipsec containers. [#9389]
    • Fixed an issue where custom subnet was forcing /16 [#8938]
  • VXLAN - 0.2.0

    Note: This version of VXLAN is only available for new environments

    • New image: rancher/net:v0.11.5
    • Improved vxlan programming logic in order to handle upgrade and restart scenarios gracefully without traffic disruption [#9140]
    • Removed the cni-driver service as a sidekick of the ipsec service and it is it’s own standalone service
    • Fixed an issue where custom subnet was forcing /16[#8938]
  • Kubernetes 1.7.2 - v1.7.2-rancher5
    • New images: rancher/k8s:v1.7.2-rancher5, rancher/kubernetes-agent:v0.6.3, rancher/etcd:v2.3.7-12, rancher/kubectld:v0.8.2, rancher/etc-host-updater:v0.0.3, rancher/kubernetes-auth:v0.0.7, rancher/lb-service-rancher:v0.7.8
    • Added the ability to add in additional kubelet options when configuring Kubernetes [#4751]
    • Fixed to allow SkyDNS to be HA [#8347]
    • Added the ability to customize the name of the load balancers created from the Rancher ingress controller [#9412]
  • Rancher NFS - 0.4.0
    • New Image: rancher/storage-nfs:v0.8.5
    • Added the ability to support NFS v3 as well as NFS v4 [#7080]
    • Added the ability to allow users to create volumes that will not be deleted from the NFS server when the service is deleted. Note: The volume option must be set at the volume level before being use by a service. [#8936]
    • Fixed to allow more verbose logging for easier debugging [#8937]

Known Major Issues

Major Bug Fixes since v1.6.5

  • Fixed an issue where load balancer logs were not being logged after logging was was enabled in the HAProxy configuration. [#7591]
  • Fixed an issue where deleting a service that was linked to a load balancer would also delete the selector rule’s on the load balancer [#9118]
  • Fixed an issue where groups level permissions were not working with Kubernetes RBAC [#9150]
  • FIxed an issuer where admins not part of a Kubernetes environment could not access the environment when RBAC was on [#9468]
  • Fixed an issue where Kubernetes running on hosts using RHEL and native Docker were not working. [#9348, #9304]
  • Fixed an issue where updating an ingress would not update the HAProxy config for the load balancer in Rancher [#9349]
  • Fixed an issue where exporting secrets in our compose files were exporting incorrectly. Note: if your secret came from a file, it will still not be exported [#9059]

Rancher CLI Downloads

Rancher-Compose Downloads