Rancher - Tech Preview Update 2/7/2018

Release v2.0.0-alpha16

Starting with this build, we will only document the net new features and fixes from the previous build. Please view the latest Rancher 2.0 Project Plan for the most current feature list and schedule.

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For the purpose of the tech preview, we will always update rancher/server:preview with the latest preview builds until we GA. After we GA, we will update the appropriate latest and stable tags as required.


  • rancher/server:v2.0.0-alpha16
  • rancher/agent:v2.0.2

Change in Accessing the UI

Previously Rancher’s UI was exposed on port 8080, but with the new changes, the docker run command has been updated to:

docker run -d -p 80:80 -p 443:443 rancher/server:preview

You can access the UI at https://<server_ip>.

New Features

NOTE: Please bear in mind that, with this preview release, not all features are ready for consumption.
You might find some features disabled in the UI. We will quickly provide upcoming builds as 
they become available.  The following are some of the highlighted features for this preview build.
  • Support for Custom Nodes - This build will now allow you to add custom nodes when creating a RKE cluster. There are two ways to add a custom node:
    • via SSH/IP - You can provide your node’s IP and SSH keys. Rancher will use the SSH keys to create a secure SSH tunnel to the node’s docker daemon. Once connected, Rancher will install the corresponding k8s component as dictated by the role you have specified for the node.
    • via docker run- Rancher will generate a docker run command that can be executed on each node and will install the the corresponding k8s component as dictated by the role you have selected for the node.

Upcoming Milestone Release Features

The following features should be on the next upcoming milestone (subject to change):

  • Github authentication will be enabled
  • Azure Container Service (AKS) will be enabled
  • Alerts and Logging
  • Based on current feedback, we are also improving our k8s provisioning UX and on the next milestone, you should see a few re-arrangements of the ways to create/manage your k8s cluster. Again, very appreciative of the feedback so far.

Known Major Issues

Rancher CLI Downloads

Available in a future release