RancherOS Release v1.0.3
This release is primarily to deal with CVE-2017-1000364 & CVE-2017-1000366 rancher/os#1932, and a fix to multi-nic IP address allocation #1812
(arm&rpi coming later)
Linux v4.9.34-rancher mainline for arm64 and amd64
Including patches for CVE-2017-1000364
- 01-stack-guard.patch
- 03-mm-allow-stack-to-grow-up-address-space-limit.patch README.md
- 02-mm-fix-new-crash-in-unmapped-area-topdown.patch
Buildroot updated and built with stack-check
AMD64, ARM and ARM64 now all use Buildroot 2017.02.3 and glibc, and have all been built with gcc 6.1 and -fstack-check
option BR2_SSP_ALL