/sbin Filesystem is gone after SNMP install

Today I tried to install SNMP with the command
zypper in net-snmp

Last message was:
There are running programs which still use files and libraries deleted or updated by recent upgrades. They should be restarted to benefit from the latest updates. Run ‘zypper ps -s’ to list these programs.

It was the rpcbind service:
PID | PPID | UID | User | Command | Service
742 | 1 | 495 | rpc | rpcbind (deleted) | rpcbind

I did a restart, but the system went into emergency mode.
I had to unmount every xfs and nfs filesystem, and now Linux is up again.

rpcbind is started from /sbin, but the entire directory has been deleted since the installation.

Please note:

Last week, I removed all SUSE snapshots, except the first one with the snapper tool.
But I deleted the directory /.snapshots/1/snapshot/sbin as described in how to delete a file in a snapper btrfs snapshot | Support | SUSE

And now the exact same directory is gone.

zypper has created 2 snapshots today during installation.

desapc6c:/.snapshots/1/snapshot # snapper --config root list
** # | Type | Pre # | Date | User | Used Space | Cleanup | Description | Userdata**
0 | single | | | root | | | current |
1* | single | | Tue Jun 8 10:28:26 2021 | root | 202.88 MiB | | first root filesystem |
2 | pre | | Tue Jan 23 07:26:05 2024 | root | 6.79 MiB | number | zypp(zypper) | important=no
3 | post | 2 | Tue Jan 23 07:26:10 2024 | root | 3.22 MiB | number | | important=no

But neither snapshot 2 nor snapshot 3 contains the sbin directory.

@Leonhard_Bernhart Hi and welcome to the Community :smile:
Your going to have to look at restoring from backup to recover that directory…

Not sure why you needed to delete all your snapshots, just configure snapper to keep a few then let the system cleanup. If your running out of disk space then sounds like you needed to run the btrfs maintenance routines?