Setup Encrypted Backups - Rancher 2.6.3, K3s 1.22.5, MySQL Database

Hi all,

I am running Rancher v2.6.3 with a K3s cluster on v1.22.5+k3s1.

All nodes are running on Ubuntu Server 20.04
2x Master Nodes
4x Worker Nodes
4x Storage Nodes for Longhorn
1x External MySQL Database
1x Load Balancer for Master Nodes

I have installed the Rancher Backups chart from the official repo and I have backups working with a self-hosted S3 (MinIO) server.

I would like to use the encrypted backup feature but I am unsure how to get that setup. The link the Rancher Backup app gives for further info says that an Etcd database is required.

Is it possible to get set up for encryption with my setup?
