SLED fails to install on HP 8200 EFF - efibootmgr not found

I’m trying to install SLED 11 SP1 64 bit on a HP/Compaq 8200 Elite SFF.
This machine has a UEFI/GPT BIOS. I downloaded the ISO image with the
additional HP 8200 drivers and I used it as an add-on image. Installing
proceeds until almost at the end the boot manager needs to be
configured. This bombs out with the error that the file efibootmgr
cannot be found. It is not on the SLES ISO. This seems to be a SUSE
problem since it also is not on the OpenSUSE 11.4 and 12.1 ISO, OpenSUSE
also fails to install the boot manager.

What can I do to get the install to work on the 8200? I wonder how the
8200 got the Novell Yes logo when the install doesn’t even make it to
the end. Maybe they didn’t use the default settings of the BIOS but
adapted something?

‘HP Compaq 8200 Elite SFF’ (


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