Suse 11.2installation fails at start for udev 0x0009 problem

I guess title says it all. Suse 11.2 installation fails at the start with “starting udev … udvd-work[xx]: ‘/sbin/modprobe -b pci:xxxx…’ unexpected exit with status 0x0009” error message.

Any idea how to fix this? I already tried with text based installation and “nousb” parameter.

Hardware is HP Z230 desktop

[QUOTE=mikkokok;25720]I guess title says it all. Suse 11.2 installation fails at the start with “starting udev … udvd-work[xx]: ‘/sbin/modprobe -b pci:xxxx…’ unexpected exit with status 0x0009” error message.

Any idea how to fix this? I already tried with text based installation and “nousb” parameter.

Hardware is HP Z230 desktop[/QUOTE]

‘SUSE 11.2’ isn’t a thing. :wink: It could be interpreted as openSUSE 11.2 or SLED 11 SP2. If you’re using openSUSE you want the openSUSE forums which are at (The same usercode/password you created to post here works on the openSUSE forums.)

Both openSUSE 11.2 and SLED 11 SP2 are End Of Life already though so there seems little point in trying to install either of them. Assuming you’re trying to install SLED 11 SP2, try one of the current versions of SLED instead. Current versions of SLED are SLED 11 SP3 the iso for which is at and SLED 12 the iso for which is at

Yea you are right. :slight_smile: So Sled 11SP2 it is. Guess I’ll go with SP3 then