I have a system with SLES 11 SP1 installed with IceWM and I would like
to have a desktop icon. I read on the IceWM website that a file manager
is required:
‘IceWM FAQ and Howto: Miscellaneous Questions’
IceWM supports several file managers as idesk, dfm, rox, kfm or gmc
‘IceWM FAQ and Howto: Example: configuration A-Z’
But non of them are not bundled with SLE11.
Could you tell me one file manager bundled with SLE11 and compatible
with IceWM?
I have a system with SLES 11 SP1 installed with IceWM and I would like
to have a desktop icon. I read on the IceWM website that a file
manager is required:
‘IceWM FAQ and Howto: Miscellaneous Questions’
IceWM supports several file managers as idesk, dfm, rox, kfm or gmc
‘IceWM FAQ and Howto: Example: configuration A-Z’
But non of them are not bundled with SLE11.
Could you tell me one file manager bundled with SLE11 and compatible
with IceWM?
Thanks and regards
Thunar is a lightweight file manager, it should be there?
Then unpack the archive, run the file in /bin, and Rox installed. Thereafter all my old desktop icons were there, and I could drag/drop new ones.
Hooray!! No more slow window-mgr (gnome/kde) AND desktop icons so you don’t have to deal (as much) with the poor IceWM menu system, which is really the only useful thing lacking.