On workstations I have 192.168.xxx.100 255.255.255 GW 192.168.xxx.12
On the server I can ping the internet and browse but on the workstation I can only ping the second NIC address but not past it. I have disabled all firewalls and restarted the server and workstation.
I have read other posts but for some reason I can’t get this figured out.
So you are using the SLES VM as a gateway/router, but not doing any
NAT-like stuff, right? What steps have you used to configure SLES as a
router (be specific, and verbose)? For example, have you enabled IP
forwarding via sysctl or the /proc filesystem for a one-time test? Did
this work in any other environment? When you say you can ping the “second
NIC” are you referring to the public IP, I presume?
First thanks for replying to the question as for NAT, no I have not done anything with NAT. This is just a test server environment, trying to figure linux out before going to production with Linux. I have not gotten routing to work yet.
The Steps I have taken are:
In YAST gone into Network Settings:
Configured eth0 as static with 192.168.xxx.12 subnet mask
Configured eth1 as static with 99.xxx.236.53 subnet mask
Configured a Hostname and DNS address of and
Under Routing Tab - Configured Default Gateway 99.xxx.236.54
Hit OK and returned to Yast console
I also went into /etc/sysctl.conf and change the net.ip4.conf.all.rp_filter to 0 instead of 1
Googling for ‘confgure suse as router yast’ found this link which I think
has what you need about enabling forwarding under the ‘Routing Setup’ section.