SLES 11sp3 64 bit PHP 5.5.21 connect to Microsoft SQL Server

As the title says I am running SLES 11sp3 64 bit with Apache 2.2.12-1.50.1 and PHP 5.5.21-22.1 and need to connect to both Oracle and Microsoft SQL server via some PHP code. In the past I would just install Zend Server but since they decided it was better to charge folks for it I want to migrate to just the stock SLES Apache and PHP. I have the php_oci8_11g.dll and Oracle Instant Client installed and talking to the Oracle databases. I just can’t figure out what path to take to do the same for the Microsoft SQL servers. How or what can I do to get PHP to communicate with MSSQL?

Hi jkinning,

how about using ODBC? “zypper se php” revealed a package “php53-odbc” on my test machine… and search via PEAR gave me

[CODE]host:~ # pear search mssql
Matched packages, channel

Package Stable/(Latest) Local
MDB2_Driver_mssql 1.5.0b4 (beta) mssql MDB2 driver[/CODE]

But I have no experience connecting to MS SQL Server, so I cannot tell if either of these approaches will help in your situation.


Hi jkinning,

I am running SLES 11sp3 64 bit with Apache 2.2.12-1.50.1 and PHP 5.5.21-22.1

I just noticed that you’re running PHP5.5 - where did you install that from, and does that source make available on ODBC connector package?
