This throws a error: The phar extension is missing - now I’m using the php (5.5.14.x) that came with sles 12 and according to phar is included in php 5.3 and above. php.ini has a [phar] section with only 3 options. No of which seem to restrict it from being seen.
As I’m also using fpm the php.ini is in /etc/php/fpm and I tried the above command with the -c /etc/php/fpm/php.ini with the same results.
Looking at the spec file on OBS for php5 it does appear to be enabled, however there is a separate package php5-phar which doesn’t appear to be included in the web hosting extension. Let me check with my SUSE contacts, but may need you to raise an SR, is that possible for you to do if needed?
Found the problem with my invalid signature, I was trying to use suse mgr 2.1 with a custom repo - something is wrong with it . If I added the repo directly on the server it worked fine, though it still drush 6.6
Yes, in my earlier link, ping the maintainer to update?
Cheers Malcolm °¿° LFCS, SUSE Knowledge Partner (Linux Counter #276890)
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