SLES 12SP2 Oracle and run fix scrişpt

When i install oracle 12cr2 on sles12 sp2 before run fix file scrips run…sh
(cmd: # /sbin/sysctl -a | grep kernelshmmax)
first value → shmmax = 3 294 967 296 after run scripts
second value → shmmax 3 959 529 472
after restart server then value is showing the first value and return old value that is first value(shmmax = 3 294 967 296)
so is it problem for continuos works oracle server because of decrease value


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Hi efsal,

[QUOTE=efsal;38156]When i install oracle 12cr2 on sles12 sp2 before run fix file scrips run…sh
(cmd: # /sbin/sysctl -a | grep kernelshmmax)
first value → shmmax = 3 294 967 296 after run scripts
second value → shmmax 3 959 529 472
after restart server then value is showing the first value and return old value that is first value(shmmax = 3 294 967 296)
so is it problem for continuos works oracle server because of decrease value

have you tried setting the value via /etc/sysctl.conf? That should make it persist reboots.


[QUOTE=jmozdzen;38227]Hi efsal,

have you tried setting the value via /etc/sysctl.conf? That should make it persist reboots.


I did it for and it worked. But i didn’t think any that for memory params and i will try to it again.
But i think, Those values coming from /etc/init.d/oracle files. it sould be needs to change this file.
At the same time those value can changed to the new value.


Hello Efsal,

if you install the orarun package from the SuSE repos for SLES12 you have to configure the SHMMAX and SHMALL parameters
from /etc/sysconfig/oracle. The runfix did not do this for you because this is orarun SUSE spezial.

To set right parameter you need to compute the correct values. It is absolute important to set these parameter to the size of the SGA or maximal to your Memory.

Hope that helps.

ps. HugePages is a very cool feature for oracle db.
