SLES dedup solution of choice

In I just dropped the question about XFS relink feature in production installs.
This might be one option to implement dedup on SLES. What is your solution of choice, leaving out specialiced appliances?

Redhat has VDO, developed by Permabit and rooting on lessfs. This became OSS (,, but will it ever be available in OpenSuSE/SLES?
BTRFS could do it - but is it production safe?

Concerning “SUSE Enterprise Storage”: the paper “Decrease Cost and Increase Scale: Future-Proof Your Backup Environment with SUSE Enterprise Storage” (, to my understanding, delegates the dedup to the vendor of backup software:

“First of all, the need for a separate deduplication device is eliminated through advanced backup software that provides deduplication services. SUSE is certified with partners who are leaders in the enterprise backup software space, including CommVault, Veeam and Veritas, all who feature built-in deduplication.”

Opinions / Experiences welcome!
Kind regards, Tom