SLES installation source problem

Hi there,

I have problems accessing the installation medium inside SLES. (mount CD/DVD from VMware console)

The trouble started when I tried to install a new package. Went to Yast->Software->Software management, chose the package, accepted the dependencies, but no go. Even though the medium was inserted it wouldn’t recognize it unlike all our other SLESes do instantly. (The device is /dev/hda like on all our other SLESes).

Now I removed the entries from Software->Installation Source and tried to add new ones. It won’t recognize anything I do. I tried to simply

  • point it to the CD/DVD,
  • copy the ISO to the filesystem and point it to that, as well as
  • loopback-mount the ISO and point it directly to the mountpoint.
    All three things do not work.

When tryting to point it to the (virtual) DVD drive directly I get a:

Unable to create installation source from URL 'dvd:///'. Details: Failed to mount dvd:/// on : Mounting media failed
It seems it doesn’t know where to mount it. “on : …” (nothing).

Anyone have an idea how to clean this mess up?
(SLES 10 SP2)

Best regards,

Can you not use YaST to add as a repository, rather than an install

Cheers Malcolm °¿° (Linux Counter #276890)
SUSE Linux Enterprise Desktop 11 (x86_64) Kernel 3.0.13-0.27-default
up 1 day 3:53, 2 users, load average: 0.00, 0.01, 0.05
CPU Intel i5 CPU M520@2.40GHz | Intel Arrandale GPU

Just some obvious things…

How do you mount the DVD?
When loopmounting, do you use “mount -o loop blabla.iso /mnt” - does it work?
When mounting the virtual CD/DVD, does “mount /dev/cdrom /mnt” work?

And check the md5sum of the iso file.

If it doesn’t work, you still can mount the iso on an other box (win/linux) and export as SMB, NFS, FTP, HTTP repository…

[QUOTE=enovaklbank;3484]Just some obvious things…

How do you mount the DVD?
When loopmounting, do you use “mount -o loop blabla.iso /mnt” - does it work?
When mounting the virtual CD/DVD, does “mount /dev/cdrom /mnt” work?

And check the md5sum of the iso file.

If it doesn’t work, you still can mount the iso on an other box (win/linux) and export as SMB, NFS, FTP, HTTP repository…[/QUOTE]
As I said, mounting is not the problem.
I can list the contents, “media check” the media…
The exactly same ISO works well everywhere else.
I can do everything except use any medium as a repository in Yast.
Certainly some hack like HTTP etc. would work but I need this working with the disc (CD/DVD). I already gave up once a few months ago but I’d like to fix this once and for all now.
When yast is “broken”, how can I reset it?
Where can I check if the mountpoint Yast would use itself to mount the disc/ISO (usually /var/adm/…) is still configured right in yast as this seems not to be the case → see first message?

