smt-mirror with --repository doesn't mirror anything

I’ve had success using smt-mirror to sync ALL my enable repos:

smt-mirror --directory /tmp/foo

But if I try to target a particular repo:

smt-mirror --repository 1 --directory /tmp/bar Summary Total transfered files : 0 Total transfered file size: 0 (0 Bytes) Total linked files : 0 Total copied files : 0 New security updates : 0 New recommended updates : 0 Errors: : 0 Total Mirror Time : 00:00:01


I’ve tried giving the Repo name, etc but I can’t seem to get any command using ‘–repository’ to do anything useful.

What am I doing wrong?

On 29/01/17 06:54, JohnWestlund wrote:

I’ve had success using smt-mirror to sync ALL my enable repos:


smt-mirror --directory /tmp/foo

But if I try to target a particular repo:


smt-mirror --repository 1 --directory /tmp/bar

Total transfered files : 0
Total transfered file size: 0 (0 Bytes)
Total linked files : 0
Total copied files : 0
New security updates : 0
New recommended updates : 0
Errors: : 0
Total Mirror Time : 00:00:01


I’ve tried giving the Repo name, etc but I can’t seem to get any command
using ‘–repository’ to do anything useful.

What am I doing wrong?[/color]

According to Section 7.1 of the SMT for SLES12 SP2 (yes I see you’re
using SLES12 SP1) documentation[1] the smt-mirror command doesn’t have a
–repository option.

I’m guessing “smt-mirror --help” and “smt mirror --help” list
“–repository” as an option?

If they do perhaps this inconsistency is a factor in the option not working?



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[QUOTE=JohnWestlund;36309]I’ve had success using smt-mirror to sync ALL my enable repos:

smt-mirror --directory /tmp/foo

But if I try to target a particular repo:

smt-mirror --repository 1 --directory /tmp/bar Summary Total transfered files : 0 Total transfered file size: 0 (0 Bytes) Total linked files : 0 Total copied files : 0 New security updates : 0 New recommended updates : 0 Errors: : 0 Total Mirror Time : 00:00:01


I’ve tried giving the Repo name, etc but I can’t seem to get any command using ‘–repository’ to do anything useful.

What am I doing wrong?[/QUOTE]

The repository ID is not going to be 1.

It is going to be whatever is listed as RepositoryID when you run a smt-catalog -o -v. The ID could be a simple number for a SuSE repository or a fairly long hexstring for custom repositories.

[*] [ 74] 1310: SLES12-SP2-Updates sle-12-x86_64
(SLES12-SP2-Updates for sle-12-x86_64)
[COLOR=#4B0082]Repository ID: 2013[/COLOR]
Staging : Y
Source : S
Assigned to product: SLES 12.2 x86_64
Assigned to product: SLES_SAP 12.2 x86_64