The os-release file info is controlled by the Freedesktop folks, if you really want something added, best to raise a bug there?
os-relase VERSION-ID on SP0 doesn’t exist- seems like a lot of these little things are being left out of SP0 lately. php7-devel isn’t there either but exist in SP1.
Anyway, the reason for this request was I wrote a script for adding salt-minions using the SUMA quick start guide as a blueprint. So i was trying to determine the SP level to add the appropriate repository per the instructions. Will VERSION-ID move to 12.2 for SP2 and so on ?
[QUOTE=cisaksen;34415]os-relase VERSION-ID on SP0 doesn’t exist- seems like a lot of these little things are being left out of SP0 lately. php7-devel isn’t there either but exist in SP1.
Anyway, the reason for this request was I wrote a script for adding salt-minions using the SUMA quick start guide as a blueprint. So i was trying to determine the SP level to add the appropriate repository per the instructions. Will VERSION-ID move to 12.2 for SP2 and so on ?[/QUOTE]
Well the release model changed with SP1 to break out into modules, SP0 is out of general support since June, unless you have LTSS;
I can’t believe what I was reading on the lifecycle page. 6 months of support for sp1 after sp2 is released - That is a totally unrealistic time frame for any IT shop to test and deploy a SP for an OS. What are they thinking?
I can’t believe SP0 is no longer supported. I thought Microsoft was bad this is just plain crazy. Might have to start looking at other distros. I was wondering why I wasn’t seeing too many SPO patches lately. Now I know. - Not Happy
I can’t believe what I was reading on the lifecycle page. 6 months of
support for sp1 after sp2 is released - That is a totally unrealistic
time frame for any IT shop to test and deploy a SP for an OS. What are
they thinking?
I can’t believe SP0 is no longer supported. I thought Microsoft was bad
this is just plain crazy. Might have to start looking at other distros. I was wondering why I wasn’t seeing too many SPO patches lately.
Now I know. - Not Happy
No way to keep up.[/color]
Six months support of an older Service Pack when the next one has been
released has been SUSE/Micro Focus/Novell’s support policy for as long
as I can recall and it’s noted @ (and on Novell’s site prior to
If you want longer support then you can purchase Long Term Service pack
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Well SLES 11SP3 for vmware just ended in Aug. So an older version of SLES is supported longer than the the newer version. There is something messed up with that. That and SLES 11 SP4 is still supported. This support cycle makes no sense. Well it does from a money making stand point.
Well SLES 11SP3 for vmware just ended in Aug. So an older version of
SLES is supported longer than the the newer version. There is something
messed up with that. That and SLES 11 SP4 is still supported. This
support cycle makes no sense. Well it does from a money making stand
The first point of contact for SLES for VMware was VMware not SUSE so
VMware were free to set their own support conditions. In July 2014
VMware stopped selling SLES for VMware and support ended in August this
Interestingly I see that on VMware’s SLES for VMware product page[1] it
includes the following FAQ:
Can customers continue to get updates for SLES for VMware after EoA?
Customers who are running SLES for VMware 11, SP3 will continue to
receive patches and updates for SLES for VMware 11 SP 3 for 6 months
after the release of SLES 11, SP4. To continue receiving patches and
updates for SLES for VMware 11, SP3 after SLES 11, SP4 is released
customers will need to purchase Long Term Service Pack Support.
which tied with SUSE’s support lifecycle[2] for SLES11 suggests that no
patches/updates for SLES11 SP3 for VMware would be available from 15
January 2016, 6 months after the release of SLES11 SP4 on 15 July 2015,
which seems to conflict slightly with VMware’s end of support date.