SUSE Trento Server: filesystem sizing

Hi all, I’m looking for any advice about how to correctly size a production VM’s disk subsystem (mostly reasoning about an additional data disk and its relevant mountpoint(s) sizing) dedicated to host the SUSE Trento application installed manually via RPM (so no Docker but as a regular systemd stack) as per GitHub instructions here.

Apart the below sentence on the official documentation available here:

Trento is powered by event driven technology. Registered events are stored in a PostgreSQL database with a retention period of 10 days. For each host registered with Trento, you need to allocate at least 1.5GB of space in the PostgreSQL database.

which is relevant to the PostgreSQL sizing (and so, I suppose, it also refers to /var/lib/pgsql/ path which is the default location for the data directory), I’m not able to find other specific suggestions, if any.

Any advice is really appreciated! Thank you!