Hi all!
Apparently, reading the requirements, an explicit reference about using a SLES for SAP Applications 15 (instead of a simple SLES 15) to deploy the SUSE Trento Server part (thus trento-web and trento-wanda) doesn’t appear at first sight, this in contrast with the explicit requirement to deploy SUSE Trento Agent which explictly require SLES for SAP Applications 15 edition to be deployed.
Further reading the systemd-deployment paragraph a statement pops up instead:
“A systemd installation of Trento Server, based on RPM packages, can be done manually. The latest available version of SUSE Linux Enterprise Server for SAP Applications is used as the base operating system, which is SLES 15 SP5.”
so it looks like a SLES4SAP is required also to depoly SUSE Trento Server (but the statement above doesn’t say its mandatory…just that “is used”…like a sort of free choice), moreover a simple SLES 15 doesn’t provide trento-web and trento-wanda RPM packages (which instead are available on a SLES4SAP ← tested) and that make me thinking a SLES4SAP is necessary.
Is anybody able to confirm me that a SLES for SAP Applications 15 is mandatorily required also to deploy the SUSE Trento Server part?