Terraform rancher2 rke config not building nodes in rancher

Rancher version 2.2.4
Terraform version 0.12.10
code snippet
esource “rancher2_cluster” “pilot-custom” {
name = “pilot-custom”
description = “Pilot rancher2 custom cluster”
rke_config {
network {
plugin = “canal”
nodes {
address = “xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx”
user = “xxxxxx”
role = [“etcd”,“controlplane”,“worker”]
hostname_override = “master-worker-1”
internal_address = “xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx”
ssh_key = “”
ssh_key_path = “/xxx/xxx/xxx”
terraform plan shows under rke
+ nodes {
+ address = “xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx”
+ docker_socket = (known after apply)
+ hostname_override = “master-worker-1”
+ internal_address = “xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx”
+ port = “22”
+ role = [
+ “etcd”,
+ “controlplane”,
+ “worker”,
+ ssh_agent_auth = false
+ ssh_key = (sensitive value)
+ ssh_key_path = “/xxx/xxx”
+ user = (sensitive value)
after apply terraform.tstate
shows the same info
docker ps on the nodes shows that no docker container was installed

could you able to solve this issue ?

Can you confirm that the user with the associated SSH key can actually connect to the host without needing a ssh password, and that it can run Docker commands without needing sudo?


Thanks for your reply.
Yes, the user can run SSH with key without password and the user can run Docker without sudo

Did you solve this? I am facing the same problem.