tmpwatch for SLES 11 SP3?

I checked the package list here:

I’m not seeing tmpwatch. Is there a package for SLES 11 SP3 that would accomplish the same thing?
I just need a process to auto delete files in a directory after a certain time period. I suppose I could script something from scratch, but thought a package if one existed, would be better.


You can always grab the 2.11 src rpm and rebuild locally and install.
all unsupported of course?

Cheers Malcolm °¿° LFCS, SUSE Knowledge Partner (Linux Counter #276890)
SUSE Linux Enterprise Desktop 12 GNOME 3.10.1 Kernel
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On 08/07/2015 17:54, ithawtewrong wrote:

I checked the package list here:

I’m not seeing tmpwatch. Is there a package for SLES 11 SP3 that would
accomplish the same thing?
I just need a process to auto delete files in a directory after a
certain time period. I suppose I could script something from scratch,
but thought a package if one existed, would be better.[/color]

Which directory do you want to clean up? You can achieve the above by
configuring cron to clean up directories via /etc/sysconfig/cron without
the need for tmpwatch. Settings to change in /etc/sysconfig/cron are


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