Traefik/Ingress - Basic Auth

My apologies if I am not using the right terminology. I am finding my way around . I am using TRaefik as a container to route external traffic to my containers. I use Ingress in Rancher to point from external host names to internal workloads.

On my workloads I want to use Basic Auth to protect my workload *that is a website"
I am a bit confused on where to start and where to put the authentication settings.

I tried using Traefik settings from:

and used the rancher example from users and apply that as a label /annotation. I had errors relating to my hashes.

I am using the rancher web gui at this stage so i can get the hang of this…in a matter of weeks i have been learning about ranher and kubernetes.

Any help/guidance so I can continue to learn onhow I do this would be gratefully appreciated.