Trying to run-my-own-elk-stack-with-docker-and-rancher

Hi there,
I’m trying to setup this configuration step by step with, but it fails “rancher-compose -p es up”, I have an error message “Failed to find a placement” when elastic container starts (docker logs -f <rancher_id>)

2015-12-20 16:44:40,526 ERROR [7a3fe4b4-9900-42db-a173-f587dbe91ef2:746] [instance:71] [instance.start->(InstanceStart)->instance.allocate] [ecutorService-2] [c.p.e.p.i.DefaultProcessInstanceImpl] Unknown exception io.cattle.platform.eventing.exception.EventExecutionException: Failed to find a placement
at io.cattle.platform.eventing.exception.EventExecutionException.fromEvent( ~[cattle-framework-eventing-0.5.0-SNAPSHOT.jar:na]
at io.cattle.platform.eventing.impl.AbstractEventService.callSync( ~[cattle-framework-eventing-0.5.0-SNAPSHOT.jar:na]
at io.cattle.platform.process.common.handler.EventBasedProcessHandler.handle( ~[cattle-iaas-logic-common-0.5.0-SNAPSHOT.jar:na]
at io.cattle.platform.process.instance.InstanceAllocate.handle( ~[cattle-iaas-logic-0.5.0-SNAPSHOT.jar:na]

2015-12-20 16:45:26,035 ERROR [cd9b882b-a274-4cb0-b66e-467c198f9b9d:776] [instance:74] [instance.start->(InstanceStart)] [cutorService-23] [i.c.p.process.instance.InstanceStart] Failed to Scheduling for instance [74]

Oops ! Found ! It’s because I did not add rancher server as a host ! I add it and rerun the rancher-compose.
Hitting memory limit (ach ! Java !) → resizing (thank you digital ocean droplet) to 4GB…ok it starts es , logstash and kibana.

2015-12-20 17:34:17,546 ERROR [4a9a516d-1091-479b-ae0d-e2ee8f283bcf:1471] [instance:133] [instance.start->(InstanceStart)] [cutorService-14] [i.c.p.process.instance.InstanceStart] Failed to Scheduling for instance [133]
2015-12-20 17:34:47,577 ERROR [5feeb8b2-ee54-4796-a4d3-4d1176b528d0:1481] [instance:134] [instance.start->(InstanceStart)->instance.allocate->(InstanceAllocate)] [cutorService-37] [c.p.a.e.i.AllocatorEventListenerImpl] No allocator handled [EventVO [id=f89cf593-4081-4dce-a9d0-0ab489d468d0, name=instance.allocate, previousNames=null, replyTo=reply.7569068904740034503, resourceId=134, resourceType=instance, publisher=null, transitioning=null, transitioningMessage=null, transitioningInternalMessage=null, previousIds=null, data={}, time=Sun Dec 20 17:34:47 UTC 2015, listenerKey=null, transitioningProgress=null]]
2015-12-20 17:34:47,584 ERROR [5feeb8b2-ee54-4796-a4d3-4d1176b528d0:1481] [instance:134] [instance.start->(InstanceStart)->instance.allocate] [ecutorService-2] [c.p.e.p.i.DefaultProcessInstanceImpl] Unknown exception io.cattle.platform.eventing.exception.EventExecutionException: Failed to find a placement
at io.cattle.platform.eventing.exception.EventExecutionException.fromEvent( ~[cattle-framework-eventing-0.5.0-SNAPSHOT.jar:na]

Is there a conflict between kibana-vip at ports 80:80 (according to his docker_compose.yml) and es/kopt also at 80:80 ?
Changing kibana-vip to 81:80 -> bingo ! all green now !

You can only have 1 port exposed on a host at a time, so if you don’t have more than 2 hosts, you’d need to update the exposed ports in the rancher-compose so that you don’t have port conflicts.

Please @cloudnautique could you update your blog post ?

Hi @lc3t35,

I am new to rancher and exploring implementation of ELK stack.I have never used logstash / Kibana earlier.

I also faced same issue and changing port indeed solved the issue. Thanks for the solution.
However I am stuck now on how to send the logs and how to view them. I tried below steps.

  1. I created a new container with image vishnuvpotti/hostrouting ,port 7990 and set enviornment variables like ROUTE_URIS=logstash://LogstashIP:5000

  1. I created a new container with image vishnuvpotti/hostrouting ,port 7990 and set log driver in security tab to gelf and added in log optionswith key as gelf-address and value as udp://LogstashIP:5000

I dont know how to view the logs from these containers on Kibana.
When I opened Kibana, I am being shown this page

Can you please let me know.
