Two of the rancher pods are in error on rke2 kubernetes cluster

I was deploying rancher UI on rke2 cluster, I have followed the all the instructions from their documentation still seems to be not working, their documentation is not covering the common error.
I am deploying via helm. I have followed all the prerequisites such as cert-manager for self-signed certificate, nginx ingress controller etc… as you can see below, there are 2 pods having some issue, one is in crashloopbackoff and other one is running but in ready state.
rancher-7cf694f8d4-cg96d 1/1 Running 1 (7h44m ago)
rancher-7cf694f8d4-hcn5x 0/1 CrashLoopBackOff 93 (3m4s ago)
rancher-7cf694f8d4-xjxq7 0/1 Running 97 (7m39s ago)
rancher-webhook-577cc7f684-rwpgz 1/1 Running 1 (7h44m ago)

by looking at logs of Crashloopbackoff pod
k logs rancher-7cf694f8d4-hcn5x -n cattle-system):

2024/12/05 01:33:11 [INFO] Rancher version v2.10.0 (df45e368c82d4027410fa4700371982b9236b7c8) is starting
2024/12/05 01:33:11 [INFO] Rancher arguments {ACMEDomains: AddLocal:true Embedded:false BindHost: HTTPListenPort:80 HTTPSListenPort:443 K8sMode:auto Debug:false Trace:false NoCACerts:false AuditLogPath:/var/log/auditlog/rancher-api-audit.log AuditLogMaxage:10 AuditLogMaxsize:100 AuditLogMaxbackup:10 AuditLevel:0 Features: ClusterRegistry:}
2024/12/05 01:33:11 [INFO] Listening on /tmp/log.sock
2024/12/05 01:33:11 [INFO] Running in clustered mode with ID, monitoring endpoint cattle-system/rancher
2024/12/05 01:33:12 [INFO] Applying CRD

//Event logs of the above pod

k events rancher-7cf694f8d4-hcn5x -n cattle-system
3m39s (x1145 over 7h52m) Warning Unhealthy Pod/rancher-7cf694f8d4-hcn5x Startup probe failed: Get “”: dial tcp connect: connection refused
3m13s (x1181 over 7h58m) Warning BackOff Pod/rancher-7cf694f8d4-xjxq7 Back-off restarting failed container rancher in pod rancher-7cf694f8d4-xjxq7_cattle-system(87e71160-1283-4002-839c-a5835791bf6c)

k logs rancher-7cf694f8d4-xjxq7 -n cattle-system (the one not in ready status)

2024/12/05 01:38:37 [INFO] Rancher version v2.10.0 (df45e368c82d4027410fa4700371982b9236b7c8) is starting
2024/12/05 01:38:37 [INFO] Rancher arguments {ACMEDomains: AddLocal:true Embedded:false BindHost: HTTPListenPort:80 HTTPSListenPort:443 K8sMode:auto Debug:false Trace:false NoCACerts:false AuditLogPath:/var/log/auditlog/rancher-api-audit.log AuditLogMaxage:10 AuditLogMaxsize:100 AuditLogMaxbackup:10 AuditLevel:0 Features: ClusterRegistry:}
2024/12/05 01:38:37 [INFO] Listening on /tmp/log.sock
2024/12/05 01:38:37 [INFO] Running in clustered mode with ID, monitoring endpoint cattle-system/rancher
2024/12/05 01:38:37 [INFO] Applying CRD
2024/12/05 01:40:35 [WARNING] signal received: “terminated”, canceling context…

//events from the above pod, the one not in ready status but running
k events rancher-7cf694f8d4-xjxq7 -n cattle-system

82s (x1191 over 7h43m) Warning BackOff Pod/rancher-7cf694f8d4-hcn5x Back-off restarting failed container rancher in pod rancher-7cf694f8d4-hcn5x_cattle-system(2b6358f8-17e7-47b1-aba1-752f1657bb26)
62s (x1180 over 8h) Warning Unhealthy Pod/rancher-7cf694f8d4-xjxq7 Startup probe failed: Get “”: dial tcp connect: connection refused

I did not understand the function of these above pods first of all, Anybody knows what is causing this.
is there better explanation of these pods and how to solve these issues.

Thank you very much
