Unable to connect to Rancher UI


The OS is MicroOS. Just Vanilla installation, no SELinux, no FW.

No updates, just the following commands to get started:

Here is what I did :

1  ip a
2  ip a
3  transactional-update pkg install docker
4  sudo transactional-update pkg install docker
5  sudo systemctl reboot
6  sudo systemctl enable --now docker
7  sudo docker run -d --restart=unless-stopped -p 80:80 -p 443:443 --privileged rancher/rancher
8  sudo systemctl reboot

No connection via

https://localhost nor http://localhost
From the LAN, same issue (any browser).

Any clues please ?

You shouldn’t need to run sudo systemctl reboot after the docker run command.
If you are able to look at the docker logs you can see what’s causing the issue.

Run sudo docker ps => grab the Container ID => run sudo docker logs -f <ContainerID>.

What’s the output of the logs?

Hi Jordon Leach,
Thanks for coming forward. I have re installed 26 times Rancher over the weeks and as I was not geting any reply, used Debian 9 to-day. Even with no documentation the1st attempt was the good one. If you happen to have to hold some straight forward installation document, I shall be very grateful indeed!
I was aiming at openSUSE MicroOS/kubic but did not get it to work.
So you gathered that since Debian has been installed to-day, no logs are available with the UI issue; I have not given up though.

Hi Jimmy,
I think the easiest and most straightforward way of installing Rancher is the signal node on Docker approach as you’ve been using. You can find the documentation for that here.

As for installing Docker on Debian 9, the docs here may be helpful.

Personally, I like to use Ubuntu 20.04. Here’s a script for installing Docker v20.10:
curl https://releases.rancher.com/install-docker/20.10.sh | sh

If you have any questions feel free to ask, best of luck!