Unable to create rke2 cluster

Hi all ,
I’m trying to provision a RKE2 cluster from rancher to harvester but it remains stuck at : Configuring bootstrap node(s) mycl-pool1-6bf5854c64-fz6lm: waiting for agent to check in and apply initial plan.
The deployment is behind a proxy but I set agent env variables

During the creation I see these messages in the logs :
Mar 02 16:27:00 mycl-pool1-d6a71d8d-pxhvr cloud-init[1322]: [ERROR] Error while connecting to Rancher to verify CA necessity. Sleeping for 5 seconds and trying again.
Mar 02 16:27:25 mycl-pool1-d6a71d8d-pxhvr cloud-init[1322]: [ERROR] Error while connecting to Rancher to verify CA necessity. Sleeping for 5 seconds and trying again.
Mar 02 16:27:30 mycl-pool1-d6a71d8d-pxhvr cloud-init[1322]: [ERROR] Error while connecting to Rancher to verify CA necessity. Sleeping for 5 seconds and trying again.
Mar 02 16:27:35 mycl-pool1-d6a71d8d-pxhvr cloud-init[1322]: [ERROR] Error while connecting to Rancher to verify CA necessity. Sleeping for 5 seconds and trying again.
Mar 02 16:27:40 mycl-pool1-d6a71d8d-pxhvr cloud-init[1322]: [ERROR] Error while connecting to Rancher to verify CA necessity. Sleeping for 5 seconds and trying again.
Mar 02 16:27:45 mycl-pool1-d6a71d8d-pxhvr cloud-init[1322]: [ERROR] Error while connecting to Rancher to verify CA necessity. Sleeping for 5 seconds and trying again.
Below some screenshot:

do you have any suggestion ?
https masquerade as hxxps for avoid errors in opening the topic

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I seem to be experiencing this same issue with Rancher 2.7.1 and Harvester 1.1.1.

I get this error when I try to build an RKE2 cluster with Harvester as cloud provider.

waiting for viable init node

The nodes are launched, but the console only shows a cloud-init error until the pool is eventually deleted. Wash, rinse, repeat.How can I diagnose the node condition that Rancher is waiting for?

I used the Tumbleweed minimal cloud image and chose the untagged VM network which I’ve used previously, successfully with the DHCP server in my lab LAN.

I opted-in to deprecated K8s version v1.24.9+rke2r2 because it was necessary to enable Harvester as cloud provider.

The rke2 nodes must have connectivity to rancher host and all harvester nodes and Vip.Check proxy exclusion , routing and fw rules.

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