Rancher RKE2 Cluster Stuck on vSphere Provisioning

Hi there,

Trying to create a cluster from Rancher interface with my vSphere credentials.
I’m using DHCP for networking.
When I’m trying to cURL Rancher URL from created node, It accesses, seems OK.

But It’s just stuck on
“Configuring bootstrap node(s) rancher-rketest-pool1-xxxxxxxxx: waiting for agent to check in and apply initial plan”

Also I noticed that rancher-rketest-pool1-xxxxxxxxx name is different in vSphere as a VM name (xxxxxxxxx part is different).

What should I do?
Any suggestions are appreciated.

(Machine template OS is SUSE SLE15, licensed)

I know little about Rancher but I would not dream of using dhcp unless you’re using static reservations (IPs bound to MAC addresses) in your dhcpd.conf file. Are you?